Gearing up my 02 Viper with reverse. Putting a 23 on top and my chain which is 13 wide and 34 links long is too short... Has anyone else done this, and what lenght chain did you use ? 35 or 36.

sounds like you got a 68. you need to go to a 70
A couple of bucks
VIP Member
I believe that with 60 total teeth(top & bottom), a 68l is needed. Step up one tooth to 61 total and you need a 70l.
A couple of bucks said:I believe that with 60 total teeth(top & bottom), a 68l is needed. Step up one tooth to 61 total and you need a 70l.
x2. <= 60 total teeth (adding 2 gears together) = 68L chain. > 60 total teeth = 70L chain.
VIP Member
I think mine is a 70 on my viper er. Check w/Chris (Super1c) he just put reverse on all 3 of his vipers. He'd know for sure. Gil

Super Moderator Here is a great post from yamerdown. He did put a 23 top with 38 bottom reverse gear and a 68 link chain. This is the best combo for top end and is very efficient. I am currently running the stock 22/38 with 8 tooth drivers. So all that said from what i read with 8 tooth drivers stock gearing is great for corner to corner with 8 tooth drivers. With 9 tooth drivers you want to go to 23/38 and a 68lenght chain. I run 22/38 and 9 tooth drivers on my wifes and daughters they dont care about top end. I have a 23 top and i am going to try and fit it on mine next time the case is apart with the 68L chain. After all the rambling the 68L will work with 23/38.
Thanks for all the replies, much appreciated. I guess my discription of the chain lenght should have been in pins 68 instead of links (34).
A good Bud has one(70 pin x 13 plates wide) I can try off a Polaris. Hope it works, shall find out tonight !!!
Bender pipes, Bender clutch kits, V Force II, Air Box mod, 23 -38 gearing, Main jets 162.5 - 165 - 162.5, Pilots 55... Opticool head gasket.
A good Bud has one(70 pin x 13 plates wide) I can try off a Polaris. Hope it works, shall find out tonight !!!
Bender pipes, Bender clutch kits, V Force II, Air Box mod, 23 -38 gearing, Main jets 162.5 - 165 - 162.5, Pilots 55... Opticool head gasket.
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New member
You didnt say what size bottom gear you have.But if you have stock bottom and went to a 23 top you'll need a 70 link.You also need to make sure its a hyvo style chain.They are $85 new if you need one.Rich
Yes, it's a stock 38 reverse style bottom gear. I shall make sure it's a Hyvo type chain ! Thanks.
FYI, 68 will not fit, no matter how hard I try. The other fellows 68 chain must be stretched ??? But I do agree with the 70 being a bit too loose, but no other choice besides leaving it stock.
FYI, 68 will not fit, no matter how hard I try. The other fellows 68 chain must be stretched ??? But I do agree with the 70 being a bit too loose, but no other choice besides leaving it stock.
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68 chain does work !!
Thanks again to all who replied. For future post research, I shall repair my erronious info.
Here goes, I was trying to utilize a 13 wide x 23 tooth upper gear in my HYPO chain and HYPO bottom 38 reverse gear. One really has to pay attention and try to wrap the chain around the entire gear, otherwise it will appear as if a 13 wide gear will fit fine in a HYPO chain. But after doing some research and talking to some others, I bought a 23 HYPO gear which allowed me to keep my 68 pin chain. I found out that a hypo chain is called a 3/4" HYPO chain.
Thanks again and great info to all that posted....
Thanks again to all who replied. For future post research, I shall repair my erronious info.
Here goes, I was trying to utilize a 13 wide x 23 tooth upper gear in my HYPO chain and HYPO bottom 38 reverse gear. One really has to pay attention and try to wrap the chain around the entire gear, otherwise it will appear as if a 13 wide gear will fit fine in a HYPO chain. But after doing some research and talking to some others, I bought a 23 HYPO gear which allowed me to keep my 68 pin chain. I found out that a hypo chain is called a 3/4" HYPO chain.
Thanks again and great info to all that posted....