trailing arm spindle angles


New member
Nov 14, 2011
thunder bay,on.canada
Is there two trailing arm models with different spindle angles. I heard yamaha changed the angle when they came out with the long travel XTC.
the caster angle and the shock bracket angles differ slightly between models.

xt's and mtn max's, or typically the longer traveled sleds have a 25.5* caster.
the srx, sx or your lower travel sleds use a 23.5* caster angle.

i have used different trailing arms without noticing any issues. key is to check alignment after installation.
a note, when installed, the caster angle is the same between models. It is to compensate for the arm swinging lower on the long travel models causing the tube to stand up a couple degrees. This is why when you long travel a srx/sx, it is paramount to adjust your carbide pressure. changing caster on a sled will change carbide pressure.
learned that one the hard way many years ago.
