viper performance question?


New member
May 28, 2008
Pinckney , MI
hey guys, well here in the next week ill be buying a viper. what im looking for is trying to make this sled a "true sleeper" meaning a stock pipe and all

what are you "sleeper guys " doing to make these sleds haul the mail ?

im already working on the clutching aspect , but are there any other mods out there that are actually effective on this motor , sled combo that heed results? and i dont mean looking in the catalog and buying everything someone has to offer unless its proven.

thanks alot , im coming off a 4 stroke from last year going back to the 2 smoke, (kinda missed it) so ive always had a intrest in the viper and now im finally going to pull the trigger on one here in the next week or so

Welcome back to 2 stroke country! All my vipers are stock so far except the cans,opticool gaskets, and torque limiters. I'm really the wrong guy to talk about performance because what I've been working on is reliability.

The opticool gasket helps the alleged cooling issues a viper has. It's also believed to decrease the squish a little which gives it a little distance from detonation. And in my opinion if you remove the center gasket of the opticool you will be pretty close to a stock viper head gasket. The negative effects of removing the center gasket are unknown to me so far but they may exist.

The torque limiter (and I suggest getting an SRX torque limiter) helps reduce the clutches from misaligning causing increased belt wear. It also prevents the engine from breaking engine mounts. For the Viper it is litterally bolt on. The holes (which are already tapped) exist on the engine and frame to accept the mount. It requires taking off the carbs and the secondary clutch. Both are pretty easy to do.

Two of my Vipers have aftermarket cans which lightens them up. However most memebers on this site will tell you that the stock can generates more power then any aftermarket can when talking about stock pipes. So that's just a trade-off question. It all depends on where you're riding also. Luckily where I ride there are no noise restrictions.

Like I said those are reliability upgrades. Someone else will have to chime in on stocker performance upgrades.

Hope it helps.
Start with Heel Clickers and a different helix (48/36? worked well in my Viper), add torque limiter, rear cooler, Trail porting,Bender 4x4 pipe (looks stock) new belt, good track, change the skis or add Snowtrackers to the stock ones and get the shocks revalved for your weight and style of driving.
The 4strokes won't lose you the the twisty trails
sleeper = awesome... i have a 91 mustang gt. from the outside and listening to it run you cant tell anything was done. but under the hood lies a novi 1220 quite series supercharger @ 6psi. rebuilt motor .30 over 306 with all the supporting mods and flowed heads dual 2.5 inch exaust "h" pipe quite mufflers. bran new rebuilt tracton lock. but when you throttle it in 2nd car turns inside out. the tires dont even screetch they just sizzle. right thru 2nd and 3rd lol
