running board exchangers leaking


New member
Jan 4, 2011
Nelson, MN
Ok, so now after all the skid work and revalved shocks skid installed ready to go, BOTH of my running board heat exchangers are leaking at the rear suspension mounting bolt area. Im taking them off now to have them welded. I noticed the support for the suspension mounts comes all the way down flush to the bottom of the cooler. There is a groove where debris can sit and rub through the cooler. So has anyone cut the brace off about 1/2 inch so it would rest on the frame of the cooler, then no debris could rub through. I really dont see it making it any weaker. Hopefully I can get them welded! Any thoughts on repairing this so it doesnt happen again?
heat exchangers are decently thick enough to weld you should have no problems getting them tigged by a competent welder. just make sure they pressure test them or give ya some kind of guarrentee before you take them back. in case there are any pin holes left over. had this happen to me on a blaster case.
I got them both off now and pressure tested them. Very small pin holes in the groove right where the mounting plate meets the cooler. It looks like I could have them weld that whole groove, then no debris will get back in between the mounting bracket and the cooler. Was fairly easy removing them, easier than expected:)
