Coolant under sled


Sep 15, 2009
Jefferson, WI
So today as i was looking at the hyfax on my srx i noticed there were little puddles underneath my sled of coolant, not alot of it but it looks like its coming from the right corner of the front heat exchanger any ideas? Im hoping this isnt bad news?
I use a black light flash light to check for coolant leaks.....or pressure test it..
it could be a hose or running board cooler has a crack if you know someone that can weld aluminum its an easy fix
Coolers crack often, usually about 2/3 of the way back near the suspension mounting bolt. If it is leaking it will run down to the front of the cooler and drip there.
Ok thanks for the suggestions Im gonna try an take an take a trouble light and a flashlight hopefully tomorrow and see what I can find Thanks.
I think when he says front heat exchanger he means the one right in front of the track. Maybe a pick got ripped out of the track and put a hole in the exchanger? Deff. best to pressure test it then look.
Yea, didnt notice that. U are probably right about a stud or something hitting it, but u should see it easy enough with ur eye. Its gotta chew in pretty deep before it starts leaking.
Mine was behind the suspension mount as livewire said. Dirt gets behind there and pits the aluminum.
yea kneedown you are correct when I first noticed it this past weekend in the daytime light my front heat exchanger looked like it didnt even have hardly a nick in it, but agree that some dirt couldve got in there over the years. I shall inspect further.
