Suspension removal


VIP Lifetime Member
Jan 30, 2011
Kingsley IA
I have to put a new track on my grandpas 02 viper er. I have taken suspension out at least once a year for the past 5 years and I always have a HELL OF A TIME putting the thing back in to get the bolts in. I have always heard to ratchet strap the suspension to keep it to its postion but I do not know where to start. Please someone post pics to help me!!! dreading doin this again
I have had good luck with laying the sled on its side. Sometimes I have to use a ratchet strap to get the back holes to line up. Otherwise it usually goes good.
loosening the transfer rods helps to align up the upper crosshaft with the small idlers into position for bolting up.And I mean backing off the nuts at the bottom of the rods .The front and rear holes are easy to aling..but always find the center is the toughest.Some major swearing last 2 times I did it. :o|
I just replaced a track on the viper and it went really smooth. I did the fronts, rears, then the center. I didn't even need the ratchet strap. I supported the back of the sled from a come-along to the ceiling of the garage, lowered the sled until the front bolts lined up. I put them in but not even finger tight. I then lowered the back until the back holes lined up and again put the bolts in but not even finger tight. Last I did the centers. I think I had to lift the back of the sled a little to get them close, then pushed the axle up and started one bolt, went to the other side and did that. The last bolt is always the toughest but it went pretty well. One thing I did that helped get the bolts started is to put a 1/2" impact socket and an extension on the bolt. It allowed me a little more control when attempting to start the bolts. I did NOT have the socket hooked up to any power tool for this, but the larger diameter of the socket helped turn the bolt more precisely to get it started. Maybe I just got lucky this time, but I thought it was harder to get the skid back inside the track than the whole rest of the process.
on my SRX it went smooth as butter installing the new track and skid..not even 1 swear word..but came to the SXR and putting back the skid..had truble with the centers holes.I totally lost it and couldn't believe what was happening,it was not a pretty site.Had to finally loosen the FRA and swivwl it and then got the holes lined up.\Then with the XTC same thing happened..was throwing them swear words around..even thru a wrench against my garage door and put a big dent in it because I was pissed off.Finally loosened bottom nuts on transfer rods and then was able to push up then center wheels up and into place.Raising with the winch and dropping the sled and lifting again and dropping with a box under all didn't work... :o|

Bugs me then why the SRX went smooth.Maybe it has to do with the suspension itself..long travel vs short travel.Sure don't like getting a heart attack over this,and yes one time I lost it so bad that my chest started pounding and I thought the big one was coming.Had to sit back and relax..scared me a little..but hasn't stopped me from blowing my top.That is just me..take after my father..his temper was the worse..when he lost it..I ran.......
The correct steps are in the article below. Out under 5, back in in the same. Tells how to do a correct tension adjustment as well.
put mine in for the first time,super easy,after you get front in lower back until bolts are at right height,mine were to far forward so i put a jack under front shock and lifted,compressed front w-arm until back bolts lined up,let entire skid down and center ones lined right up,had fra at 1,transfer bolts loosened,no way youre going to pull rear bolts back by hand because transfer rods bottom out and skid couples i believe
super1c snip I also use those thin plastic roll up slids set on the inside of the track so the skid slides right in over the driver lugs. [url said:[/url]

X2 - been using the roll up kiddy sleds in this way for years. I've also used lengths of 1"x 2" that sit between the inner track lugs that help the rear wheels slide beyond the lugs. Sometimes with a new, unstreched track the kiddy sled doesn't allow for enough clearance. A little silicone spray helps too.

While I've never done it, pulling and installing the skid with the sled on it's side would make things go easier. Especially when installing - letting gravity become your friend.
I had a tough time. The best way I found was to use a hoist to pick the rear of the sled way way up, then it fit right in. Before I found that out, i struggled for a couple hours trying to push and pull it into place. Just was too tight (even with the track tension all the way off).
that is the way I did it to..raise back up all the way,aim the front rails past the driveshaft cogs,whip back of skid in and then force skid down to get past the cogs on driveshaft.Lower back end and start getting them bolts in.I have 7.5 rear wheels which even makes it harder to slid the skid thru.... :o| #$%&*
i had the back up pretty high and the skis on 4x4's on top of wheel castors.still had to use the floor jack to get it up a little more,slid skid in and started pulling it back while blocking track with another 4x4 till it was behind thedrive then put the 4x4 under the front rails and let the jack down,was real close in the front at this point,
