Running premix in 440 Exciter...ratio?

Jan 2, 2006
Kalamazoo, MI
Guys, stupid question here...

The '78 Exciter that I just purchased has been running premix for over a decade according to the owner and I want to make sure I am mixing the gas/Yamalube correctly for the kids to run around the yard.

I have read that 40:1 is OK so if that's the case,

40/1=.025...if I multiply a gallon of gas (128oz) by the .025 (3.2oz) that should tell me how many ounces of oil per gallon, correct?

Does 3.2 oz per gallon sound about right to you all?

Let me know if I am off on either the ratio or calculations...I don't want to blow this thing up...IT RUNS TO GOOD NOW!

Thanks for all help in advance.
YAMMIEGOD3:16 said:
TELL YA EXACTLY WHAT 40:1 IS. 16 oz of oil TO 5 gallons of gas. AND THATS WITH YAMA- LUBE. 3:16 (yammie tony)

perfect. that's what my #s come out to be. Thanks Tony!

also, would you run the B9ES or a different plug in that? BR9ES..etc?
