02 viper, have a few weird problems


New member
Oct 3, 2011
Hey guys and gals, I purchased a 02 viper about 2 months ago. Been working on it every since to get ready for the trails. I pulled the head, the pistons look great. I replaced the head gasket with a Bender Opticool. I pulled each powervalve and cleaned them, and then readjusted.
Situation 1: After putting the powervalves back in and adjusting, I bled the rear bleeder under the seat, made a huge mess, and all air bubbles were depleted. Then started the sled to let it warm up so we could bleed the system on top of the head. But before we could get it to running temperature, it had the notorious idle hanging issue as discussed on this forum. I have gone through old posts to read about them, and noticed my scenario was a bit different.
I had the rear of the sled lifted up so the track was off the ground, because i was adjusting my suspension, and after i started it with the choke on, the rpms took off, i turned the choke off, and then the rpm's started accelerating 3,4,(clutch engaged),5,6,7,8,9(approx redline). It got up there in about 10 seconds. So the blurped the choke and dropped it to around 1500 or so. Then it climbed again. It had never done this before, and i did run the sled around the yard after our first snow fall in October. I have wrote down a bunch of things TY has suggested as far as fixing the idle and i am going to attack that this afternoon. As for the rapid acceleration, I'm unsure why it doesnt plateau off before redline?!
Situation 2: I replaced both headlights trying to fix the problem of the low beam not working and only the high beam. Still somewhat stumped on this.
Situation 3: The brake light is stuck on, is there a switch by the brake lever or something that could be caught up?
Situation 4: The second the sled starts, there is an orange triangle with an "!" in it. I thought it was maybe because of low fuel but I briefly glanced in the book and it says it should have its own low fuel light and thats not it.

Any help would be great! I will hopefully be able to get back on the forum in a couple days, as I do not have internet at my house. If anyone is super motivated, they could email me, (my phone gets emails).

My name is Pat (if that matters haha).

Email: patgalligan15@yahoo.com

Thanks again!
Don't know enough about the rest to help you but, If you are low on fuel, the ! will come on along with the gas pump symbol on the speedo display. Its hard to see but its there.
04yamaha2008 said:
Situation 4: The second the sled starts, there is an orange triangle with an "!" in it. I thought it was maybe because of low fuel but I briefly glanced in the book and it says it should have its own low fuel light and thats not it. !

That is the low fuel light. Always comes on when my sled is low on gas. Put some gas in and it will go out.
I'm not sure if you did this already but I would start by making sure you know your jetting. I would clean the carbs and verify your jetting, sync (which is slide height being equal on each carb compaired to the middle), and float bowl height. Also while your carbs are off the motor I would set your fuel screws also. At least at this point you will be able to verify things being set up properly and you will know what you have. Check to see if the choke is freely moving along with the choke cable if you take the carbs out. You should look at the carb cleaning section and I would recommend leaving them together on their rails.

Pulling the carbs are not as bad as it sounds. Airbox out, disconnect the throttle cable, the choke cable, the two coolant lines (have something small you can catch the fluid with), throttle position sensor electrical disconnect (disconnect it at the electrical plug / do not remove the sensor from the carb bank) and also disconnect the electrical connectors for the TORS (2 bullet connectors near the head coolant hose).

In the service manual there is a jetting chart. You may want to look at this just to see how it's jetted in comparison to what you have. If you need those numbers tell me what altitude and temperature you mostly ride in and I'll tell you what the book says.

I think there is a swich right at the break lever that may be frozen on you. Try looking at that to see if the switch is moving in and out.
possible causes for #1 if motor is winding out all by itself.... throttle adjustment out and / or cable binding, carb slide sticking partially open. usually tors will catch this though if its hooked up. or a direct intake leak in the form of either bad crank seals, carb boots not sealed properly and or cracked. leak around the reed cages etc, start simple first. check cables. make sure one isnt binding etc.
someone mentioned it could be out of gas with the(!) light being on.could the high idle problem be something as simple as the sled is running out of fuel. I have seen quads and dirt bikes idle high as they are just about to run out of fuel. not sure if this is your problem but start with the easy stuff first, put some gas in it!
have you turned the idle adjustment knob out too far and undone the TORS switch at the carb rack this will hold the throttle open and give you your problem, check that.
thanks 4 all the help. i just got back 2 a computer today. i added gas, and that seemed 2 clear up the accelerating idle. its now just a hanging idle. i have not had time 2 pull my carbs yet. i also forgot 2 mention, i just put a mbrp race can on it. i will be pulling the carbs this weekend. i will clean and reset them. i will post back up as soon as i do that. thanks again every1.
