New member
i have been reading the post on how to adjust the power valves and i have a few questions on it. will droping the idle down to 900 rpm open the valves or close them? it also says to mark the servo but i dont why it is telling you to do this.when the servo does its thing do you then do the trick with the 2.5 allen wrench? and is that it, adjusted? this is new to me so any help would be great, Thanks
It will open the valves. Mark the servo because it will move with the spring pressure on it. Once marked, you wont have to start it again. Yes the 2.5mm is all you have to do and it's done.
New member
sounds easy enough, i will give it a try soon ,thanks.

when you idle it down it opens. you mark the servo so you can be sure the servo doesn't move while adjusting. be sure to loosen the adjusters before you idle it down to be sure youre at full open. also the adjusters are opposite what you might think at first. turning them in (clockwise) loosens the cable, out (counterclockwise) tightens it.

wow there were no replies when I started to post but I posted 6 minutes after edunn69. I must of blacked out for a while lol