SRX chain/polaris chain...


New member
May 2, 2003
Waterford, Pa.
I have an '01 SRX w/7,400 miles on it. If I want to change the chain before it goes, it cost some $$. I heard you can change yamaha chain/gears with polaris hyvo chain/gears. Will the polaris chain work on the SRX gears? If the chain fits and is made in the US, it's probably less $ than the yamaha one. Anybody try this? Thanks! :?
Hay Snow, I was thinking the same thing. Unforntunatly I have a 99, and I think the gears and chain changed in 2000 from the 98-99 models. Does anyone know the difference? are they Wider?
98-99 SRX gears are wider than those on the newer models. I was thinking of converting to 13 wide like on the newer SRX, but since I already have a bunch of 15 wide stuff it doesn't seem worth my time.
I assumed that the 98-99 had different gears and chains just from looking into the effectivity of the parts in the service manual. So here is the question then: If the older parts are only wider then I would assume that the jackshaft and driveshaft teeth/size is the same for all years its just the width that varies? I'm I completly messed up here? If this is the case then polaris gears would fit all newer Yamaha's jackshaft and driveshaft as long as you replaced the the chain along with both gears, and shimmed them accordingly for proper clamp-up and alignment? Is this correct? Any out there ever had all the parts in there hands to varify this?

Not that it really matters now, I ordered a new Yamaha chain and a 22 upper gear for my 99srx. cost $80 for the chain $32 for the upper. My stock 23's thrust face of the teeth were completely flat and the chain was is tough shape. The lower looked hardly used after all the miles.
I assumed that the 98-99 had different gears and chains just from looking into the effectivity of the parts in the service manual. So here is the question then: If the older parts are only wider then I would assume that the jackshaft and driveshaft teeth/size is the same for all years its just the width that varies? I'm I completly messed up here? If this is the case then polaris gears would fit all newer Yamaha's jackshaft and driveshaft as long as you replaced the the chain along with both gears, and shimmed them accordingly for proper clamp-up and alignment? Is this correct? Any out there ever had all the parts in there hands to varify this?

Not that it really matters now, I ordered a new Yamaha chain and a 22 upper gear for my 99srx. cost $80 for the chain $32 for the upper. My stock 23's thrust face of the teeth were completely flat and the chain was is tough shape. The lower looked hardly used after all the miles.
I called wahl bros. racing who sells many products including chains, and I can get one that fits the srx 15 wide for somewhere in the $50ish range. (I think the catalog said $59 or something like that). I'll probably just get mine from them. The yamaha dealer sells it for $114, or $90 my price. $60 still sounds better. :wink:
Polaris gears will fit, but they are only 13 wide. They are a bit cheaper than the Yamaha stuff. Yamaha 13 wide chains will not fit Polaris gears so you will have to get a new chain. I think Yamaha went to 13 wide in 01, or maybe 02.
Polaris has 15 wide chain/gears as well, I have them in my mountain max, because I needed the xtra strength, and I even have reverse.

but there are differences with hyvo and non hyvo, yamaha and polaris made both
