Chrome also blue chrome winshields


New member
Dec 11, 2011
I'm new to the forum , but have for years starting with a vmax 600 been an avid yamaha snowmobile rider. Just got back into the sport again with an 02 yammy viper with 640 miles on it . Learned the hard way not to install any kind of chrome windshield they look awesome but WILL melt your instrument panel especially digital ones like the vipers . My cbr 1000 rr is a prime example of this ended up with brand new digital gauge,expensive and have seen alot of themon the members sleds. Just my 2 cents. :letitsnow
Vipersncbrs said:
I'm new to the forum , but have for years starting with a vmax 600 been an avid yamaha snowmobile rider. Just got back into the sport again with an 02 yammy viper with 640 miles on it . Learned the hard way not to install any kind of chrome windshield they look awesome but WILL melt your instrument panel especially digital ones like the vipers . My cbr 1000 rr is a prime example of this ended up with brand new digital gauge,expensive and have seen alot of themon the members sleds. Just my 2 cents. :letitsnow

If you paint the inside a flat color it will block the ray's from getting through and melting your stuff. They do look cool but ya got to be carefull and take a few precautions. :wel:
So is the chrome magnifying the rays and thus the melting of the dash?
