best rear 136 skid for viper/sxr?


New member
Jan 4, 2011
manitowoc, wi
Need some opnions on what skid I should buy? Building a sxr light wieght sled for trail riding and some off trail forst road riding. Thinking of m20 air skid or ss with springs but have had m10s and wieght transfer sucked! How about expertx or plastic x2? Trying to build sled as light as possible. Also consider take out cat skid? Give me your opnions! I want wait transfer and has to be lighter than proaction skid.
Check out the ZX2 by AD Boivin, 53 pounds. No rust, no cracks, no paint, not a bad price at all. I would like to try one. G.
My next one will probably be a ZX2, for now I have a Ski Doo SC10-III out of an 05 Renegade X, been happy with it... was also really happy with a Polaris Edge skid in my SRX
WNYViper - I bought a 136 SC-10 skid but wasn't able to validate the CTC bolt mount positions.

You wouldn't know where you mounted yours?

I have a 1998 venture that I have stripped and plan to mount the skid to.

Thanks in advance

WNYViper - I bought a 136 SC-10 skid but wasn't able to validate the CTC bolt mount positions.

You wouldn't know where you mounted yours?

I have a 1998 venture that I have stripped and plan to mount the skid to.

Thanks in advance


This thread is from a few years back and i dont think hes been active for a while.
This info is the CTCs for various SC-10 skids, from member djm on dootalk:

Skid Mounting center to center distance on Skidoo short track sleds:
SC10 = 24 3/4"
SC2 = 24 3/4"
SC3 (02/03 zx and 03 rev) = 24.0"
SC3 (04/05 rev) = 24.5"
SC4 = 23 7/16"
SC5 (xp) = 22 3/4"

Skid Mounting center to center distance on Skidoo 136 " sleds:
S Chassis = 30.5"?
ZX Renegade = 29" ?

SC3 = 31 5/16
SC4 = 28 3/4
Thanks guys, the SC10 3 136 that I have measures 31 CTC (sitting on its own); I know I need to put some preload on the skid before installation.
If SC3 stands for SC10 III then my skid without preload has a shorter CTC. Thoughts?
