New member
Viper started right up but i have no brake light or hand,thumb warmers ant ideas? Thanks!
Super Moderator
Is it a E start? If it is check break light fuse. Did mice get under your handle bar pad and make a summer home? Take seat off and check that wire harness that goes under the gas tank. Also grips dont get warm enough to feel just at idle. Need to get some RPM's to feel the heat. Do a resistance and Ohm test on grips to see if they are good. You can also just direct wire to a battery and if they are good you will know in about 15 sec. So dont leave them hooked up long. They work your way back on grips and thumb warmer. If its the warmers you will usually get a code blinking on spedo also. Start with the easy stuff then work your way back as you go. Post results and ask whats next.
New member
Brake light switch was green & corroded cleaned and works now.
New member
Thanks Super, my 50 year old hands just didnt feel da heat.
Super Moderator
Great, glad ya got it all figured out!