TPS code at WOT


New member
Jan 30, 2011
03 Viper is throwing TPS code at WOT. Doesnt do it at idle or midrange. Starts flashing at about 8500 RPM. Any Ideas??
test out your TPS using 3-1.5v batteries end for end,and connect to the - and + ends of TPS..hook volt meter up and see what you get..Then take them volts and times by .136 to get voltage B which is where you adjust your TPS with the meter until it is usually around .68 volts and then lock the screws.But make sure idle is set properly first.
Also can do a resistance test first to see if it is within specs prior to doing the above calibration.Its all in the TPS was defective..had to change it out..for around $100 mark.
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i just did mine on the SRX... it was not working at all... did the ohms resistance test and it failed both tests... i think retail on that thing is around $140.00...
what i dont understand is why it only flashes at 8500 rpm?? iIf it was defective wouldn't it flash at all rpm or when you start the engine and it goes through the self diagnostics?
It could be that the adjustment is out or it has a defect in the internals causing a voltage drop or spike that is incompatible with the throttle position.
Do a calibration procedure on it, if the calibration checks out and you still get a code flash...replace it.
Several Yamaha street bikes had this same identical TPS sensor and they were recalled due to voltage inconsistencies but Yamaha never recalled the Sled TPS. I had to replace mine a couple years ago on my 2002 SRX as well. The new one from Yamaha is the updated version.
yes Bob is right,,there was a recall on Bike TPS,but not sleds.Find the threads from Bob and myself on this issue.Changed mine out and sled is running 100 percent again.It was causing many issues for me..especially when I was doing some new clutching with 8bu weights,engine wouldn't perform right.Not a lie but once the TPS was replaced and re-calibrated..that SRX engine started to sound like it used to years back...wicked!!!.All the time I was thinking PV issues,servo issues,harness issues,carb issues..go figure.Thanks for Bob to start a thread on the TPS issues..
bluemonster1 said:
yes Bob is right,,there was a recall on Bike TPS,but not sleds.Find the threads from Bob and myself on this issue.Changed mine out and sled is running 100 percent again.It was causing many issues for me..especially when I was doing some new clutching with 8bu weights,engine wouldn't perform right.Not a lie but once the TPS was replaced and re-calibrated..that SRX engine started to sound like it used to years back...wicked!!!.All the time I was thinking PV issues,servo issues,harness issues,carb issues..go figure.Thanks for Bob to start a thread on the TPS issues..

What symptons were you experiencing?
Thanks Blue. Sorry to hijack thread. What is the fault code for TPS? My 2000 SRX manual does not list code for TPS?
mine never did flash a code to tell me anything.But from the manual it says .75 seconds--then off--then .25 seconds--then all repeats in 4 second intervals.
man the TPS unit is expensive now.Best price I can find in the US in at about $105 and then shipping on top of that. Lucky my stepson's friend's parents own a Yamaha dealership out of Town.He got the TPS for me at their cost..
bluemonster1 said:
mine never did flash a code to tell me anything.But from the manual it says .75 seconds--then off--then .25 seconds--then all repeats in 4 second intervals.

My manual refers to that code as "Discontinuity or shorting of water temperature sensor is detected."
2 different year sleds I guess..actually my manual shows code #3 and #4 is the same..#3 is for what you that stands for both situations then
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The code for the viper is 3 long flashes and one short. Hauck is looking at it right now. Ill let u guys know what the diagnosis is.
looks like a lot of the sleds with TPS is starting to show symptoms now.A lot of these sleds were not performing good from day one even...thanks to Yamaha not doing a recall on them for sleds dating back to around 2000-2002.Maybe a lot of SRX's will now roar off the line finally and leave them F7's a long way behind.Could you imagine if the SRX and Viper sleds were not performing up to full potential from day one and now we start to win more races now because of it..shame on Yamaha for not caring about us sledders on this issue..and maybe our clutching will start to be more precise also..WOW!!!!
We all owe this to sideshowbob for caring then..3 cheers for BOB. ;)! ;)! ;)!
