Strange problem, SRX wont stay running.


New member
Jan 3, 2009
Muskegon, Michigan
Im hoping the SRX gods and shed some light on the issue Im having with my 2001 SRX 700. This weekend I pulled the trailer up and uncovered the sleds to get them ready for the season and as always, I put fresh premium gas in them, put some fresh plugs in them, checked wires for mouse damage and pulled the intake boxes for mouse nests and they were all clean. I was surprised and happy that my SRX fired up after only 3 pulls. The problem is that it starts right up but will not stay running for more than 5 seconds or so with the choke off. I start it as always, start with choke on full then flip it to half choke and let it run until it idles down and then choke off but as soon as I take the choke off it idles down and smooths out and then dies. It will stay running on half choke but will not with the choke off. Even with some heat in the pipes it will not stay running. It does not spit or sputter and its hitting on all 3 cylinders, it just shuts off like I hit the kill switch. Besides this being annoying its also embarrassing because my wifes Poolaris that hasnt run in 2 years fired right up and ran perfect and she wont shut up about it. lol
Anyways, thanks for any help, I searched and came up empty handed.
Mine does the same thing.. so then i figured i would clean the carb has i do before every season put them back on and it still does it.. mines a viper tho..

I was thinking maybe my choke stays on a bit. aftrr i turn it off..

Not sure tho il have to look into it after i clean the garage.
Clean the carbs!
I can't believe that the Polaris will last long either if it's been sitting for 2 years and you don't clean the carbs.
viperking said:
yup, clean the carbs, pilots are plugged. I'm assuming it will stay running better with the choke on?

Ill pull the carbs this weekend, thanks.

edunn69 said:
Clean the carbs!
I can't believe that the Polaris will last long either if it's been sitting for 2 years and you don't clean the carbs.

I cleaned the carbs at the end of last season on my SRX before I ran stabile through it and stored it. The polaris hasnt been touched in in the 5 years or so that Ive owned it and its been flawless. Hell I bought it off a buddy of mine that only had the carbs apart after the sled spent 2 days at the bottom of a lake. I dont like much about the sled but its been a rock solid runner, in this case if it aint broke Im not going to screw with it.
Drain all the gas out of the tank. Clean the tank. Check the filter in the tank. Take carbs apart and clean pilots, then clean pilots agian. Clean filter hats under needle seat. Clean all passage ways. Adjust low speed screw to 1.5 - 2.0 turns. Check fuel baffles are not worn. Adjust float height. Check choke plungers and adjust so they fully open and fully close. Make sure carb boots are sealed and reeds are not worn/chipped.

Put back together, put fresh gas in and try again.
SRX_700 said:
Drain all the gas out of the tank. Clean the tank. Check the filter in the tank. Take carbs apart and clean pilots, then clean pilots agian. Clean filter hats under needle seat. Clean all passage ways. Adjust low speed screw to 1.5 - 2.0 turns. Check fuel baffles are not worn. Adjust float height. Check choke plungers and adjust so they fully open and fully close. Make sure carb boots are sealed and reeds are not worn/chipped.

Put back together, put fresh gas in and try again.
;)! 3:16 (YAMMIE TONY)
kozal01 said:
The polaris hasnt been touched in in the 5 years or so that Ive owned it and its been flawless. I dont like much about the sled but its been a rock solid runner, in this case if it aint broke Im not going to screw with it.

I had a buddy say almost this exact same thing last year to a few of us who had just cleaned our carbs. That sled (polaris) made it about half way through the intended ride that very night. ;)! Burnt the motor up.

:o| You may want to find some some wood to knock or take the short time it takes to clean the carbs before you fry a piston.
I know I sound like a broken record on this subject, but here goes:

When cleaning the pilots it is VERY IMPORTANT to look through them and make sure there is a ROUND hole through them. It has easily been about 75% of the time that I clean pilots that spraying carb cleaner through them didn't get them clean...I had to run a small wire into them to break up the crud and then spray with cleaner again. Then I blow through them to remove any liquid and hold up to a light. If hole isn't nice and round, repeat process until it is.
What's worse is the channel below the pilot screw also gets dirty and is even harder to clean and remove hardened varnish and deposits. Clean both, and then clean both again.
I figured Id update this. I finally got around to puling the carbs off the SRX yesterday, I tell you with teh lack of snow weve had, its hard to be motivated to work on my sleds. Anyways, the carbs got a good cleaning and the sled runs like a champ once again. Thanks all for the input! Happy sledding (if we get snow)


So both sets of carbs needed cleaning since you swapped between sleds. That suck when you're using parts from a know good sled. Oh Join me at the school of hard knocks, can't seem to graduate though. Always another coarse and lesson and murphy is the instuctor!! LOL
kozal01 said:
I cleaned the carbs at the end of last season on my SRX before I ran stabile through it and stored it.

FYI, cleaning carbs at the end of the season won't do you any good. During the high temps in the summer storage period, all the gas will evaporate in the carbs and leave behind crud that causes blockage. As soon as you pull on it the next season and prime it with fuel, all this crud gets carried into the jets and passages.
yeah I always do my carb cleaning in the fall before season starts.I leave the carbs on in the Spring,shoot fogging oil thru and shut gas supply and run carbs empty then.Drain as much gas out of tank as you can also..
