85 xlv 540 electric starter issues


New member
Jan 9, 2006
SE Michigan
when i turn the key i only get clicking from the solenoid. I have a good battery. I was told that I should try to jump the solenoid/relay, how is this done? What will this tell me when done? I know that the solenoid is not bad because I have another sled (excel) with the same relay so I switched them and tried the xlv relay on the excel and it worked, so that tells me that the relay is good, any ideas what it might be? I am thinking that the starter itself is bad.

starter test , Hope you have as much room as my
VK to get at it...
grab a booster cable or equal and clamp to + term on batt
and touch firmly to post on starter...elimnates all wiring
except ground....if that doesn't work ,,,,run another cable
from ground on battery to an engine case and try again..
If it still didn't work try running booster cables from
another vehicle to the starter and ground...
These steps eventually eliminated your batt, soln, ground
and + cable......Still could be bad ground bolts from starter
to engine...
Can try soln first....it will probably have 2 large studs and
1 small....jump from stud fastened + on battery to the
small terminal and this replicates your key signal....and
tests the soln......jumping the 2 big posts just works the
same as using a diff cable , but tests the orig connections.
Most of these tests presume you have a good batt with
good cables....
Good luck
