im looking at clutching my sled this year but dont want to spend much from what i heard, the least expensive is the 53/43 helix and the green sec question is, can i order these right from my yamaha dealer or is it something i have to order from a aftermarket company kind of thing like bender etc..i live alittle way aways from them so would like to know before i drive down to the dealer..thanks
You need to learn about clutching first. Every single machine is different. I clutch kit can get you close but you may still need to make small adjustments from there.
The main thing you need to do is get your rpm's in the proper range. I have read that vipers all over revved from brand new which makes them harder on fuel and a bit slower for sure. If this is happening currently, add the 4.5 gram weights to your 8DN's in the primary. This will bring your rpms down and then you can play with the spring in you secondary but I wouldnt go any lees then 60degrees or belt will slip.
The main thing you need to do is get your rpm's in the proper range. I have read that vipers all over revved from brand new which makes them harder on fuel and a bit slower for sure. If this is happening currently, add the 4.5 gram weights to your 8DN's in the primary. This will bring your rpms down and then you can play with the spring in you secondary but I wouldnt go any lees then 60degrees or belt will slip.
ya well i talk to a few people and im goin to start with that for now and go from there...but just want to know who has the best helixs and stuff..can i get it from yamaha or is it only aftermarket kind of deal
New member
You can call Bruce at Pioneer Performance. He can set you up with the helix and the green secondary. Like Chris 189 said, you'll probably have to throw some weight on your primary to keep the rpm's down. I just did this mod for this season, cost was right around 100 for helix and spring. Gotta see where my rpm's are once I get a chance to ride it and then adjust weights from there.

Active member
chris189 said:You need to learn about clutching first. Every single machine is different. I clutch kit can get you close but you may still need to make small adjustments from there.
The main thing you need to do is get your rpm's in the proper range. I have read that vipers all over revved from brand new which makes them harder on fuel and a bit slower for sure. If this is happening currently, add the 4.5 gram weights to your 8DN's in the primary. This will bring your rpms down and then you can play with the spring in you secondary but I wouldnt go any lees then 60degrees or belt will slip.
Vipers don't have 8DN weights, they have 8EK's.

Super Moderator
I just did this mod also. I stayed true to turks s/u and went with the dalton 53/43, and green spring. I also have the weights ready to change for over rev. Im no clutch guru by a long shot but they say different helix brands are cut just a bit different so thats why i stayed with the dalton. I would have gone with what FJ said but found a good deal on the dalton helix. Cant wait to give it a try.