crazy idle HELP!!


New member
Dec 15, 2011
Ok im "getting" my dads 02 Yamaha Viper for my wife as he just bought himself a 2012 Vector.
He was having troubles at the end of last season whe letting off the throttle it didn't want to idle down he would have to "blurp" the throttle for the engine speed to go down. (Cable runs smoothly) He would also have to adjust the idle speed when warming the sled up or it would want to rev up as it warmed up.
He has had this sled for 2 years and its always been a bugger to start when cold. he would have to pull the plugs and prime it for it to start. then it would be fine all day...

SO here is the problem now. just went to run it up and it will be sitting there idleing and out of nowhere the engine idle will take off to 5-6K before you have a chance to kill it. We tried bypassing the TORS but that doesnt seem to make a difference....

please help!
it sounds like you have a vacum leak , i would check your reed boots and crank seals, and clean and set your carbs, if you are lean on your fuel screws your idle will hang up too , good luck
Clean carbs, open up the fuel screws another 1/2 turn and see how it is. If you still have a problem, start looking for an air leak.
If you do a search, I just posted in the last week helping someone with the same exact problem.
What doesn't make sense is that it will be sitting there idleing fine for a cpl minutes and then the idle will take off out of no where. If it was a vacuum leak wouldn't the idle be high all the time?
edunn69 said:
Clean carbs, open up the fuel screws another 1/2 turn and see how it is. If you still have a problem, start looking for an air leak.
If you do a search, I just posted in the last week helping someone with the same exact problem.

do you have a link? i've looked at so many forms and couldn't find anything like mine.
first of all make sure carbs are clean..warm up motor and then idle to 1500 to 1800 rpm.Make sure you have slack in the throttle cable also.Make sure your choke is opening and closing all the way.Not sure what some guys use to spray around the engine seals or rubber boots..but would be worth a try to maybe find an air leak.Could be a cracked air box boot or loose.Is the air box all stock with all its parts in place??
It sounds like you have carb problems for awhile last year as well.Clean them and lossen throttle cable until you see slack.Than adjust idle.

okay thanks guys!!!!!
im gonna pull the carbs and clean them probably on the wkd or early next week. I will put them on check for leaks and see what happens and go from there.

Thanks again!
UPDATE! so we pulled the carbs and cleaned them as per MrViper700 carb cleaning 101 page.
Started it up today with fresh fuel and its started great and sat at idle for about 10 minutes, then my dad went to blurp the gas and it rev'd up to 4000 and just sat there. He said he turned it off and it did that again... He said it also back fired a couple of times as well...

It doesn't seem like a vacuum leak because if it was it would run bad all the time. Its seems like something is sticking... Im going out to the garage right now to check the cable but i don't think thats the issue.
i lossened the cable a little it didn't seem bad.
but it doesn't make a difference its idleing away around 1800 and its almost "burping" little back fires and if i touch the throttle it will climb and stay there and won't come down.
seems rich thats forsure!
maybe one of your slides is hangin up for some reason. You sync the carbs when you got done cleaning them?? When you disconnected throttle cable did it move freely?? Seems like something simple. Check them choke cables.
It's lean, not rich! When it revs up like that turn the choke on and see if it comes down, if so you are lean. Check the fuel screw setting and open them up another 1/4 to 1/2 turn.
i didn't open the tops of the carbs i just cleaned them as per the link i found on here.
it shouldn't be lean we set the fuel screw at 1-7/8 out. The cables are fine i checked them today.

I will try the choke when i runs away tomorrow

How do you sync the carbs? how do you check the slides?
is your viper triple piped? ive heard of idol hang problems from that. and you simply have to adjust the idol down low to fix it. if not the reving up is definitley a sign of a hung up slide or possible lean condition. also check your filter hats behind the carb seats and recheck jets in the carbs if you dont have a sticky slide or air/ vacumn leak. another possible cause fuel pump not pumping propery cause of either a bad diaphram or leaky or cracked vacumn line. lots of stuff to check. but on a good note free to do. just takes time.
At this point the next thing I'd check is for an air leak. With the sled idling, spray some wd-40 around the boots and all seals. If the idle changes, you've found the leak.
Filter hats should be checked, and I'd also check the reed pedals and see what shape they are in.
