Looking for some help on my 2001 SRX 700


New member
Dec 16, 2011
New York
alright, heres the deal. the speedometer no longer works. The small cable that connects the speedo drive to something, not sure what it actually connects to, has broken off inside the housing. does anyone have any recommendations on how to remove the broken piece without doing damage to the housing. i was thinking of trying to drill it out but this could potentially damage the housing and lose the speedometer for ever. let me know, thanks for the help.
drilling is your best shot, but you probably have only one shot. its a square connector with little to no room for error. usually they break off in the driveshaft. thats actually easier to remove.

start shopping for a replacement housing then start with a small drill bit. usually the cable will begin to fray(the connector thats broken is actually cable like). with any luck, once a few cables start to spin up you may be able to grasp and pull with some needle nose. some pre-lube with pb-blast or other type penetrating oil may help. good luck!
A small drill bit and some lube is your best bet.
When that piece breaks it's usualy is a sign of the bearing going bad on that side of the driveshaft, be sure to take a look at it while you're in there.
For anyone else who is having the same issue.. The end of the drive shaft that connects to the speedo drive has a piece that is removable. drill this piece out but be very careful not to damage the driveshaft or drill to big of a hole. one this piece is out you can tap in the new piece with a hammer. hook everything back up and you should be good to go. thanks again for the help.
