Gosh Dang....I think I broke something with my fuel gauge


Nov 1, 2010
Sioux Falls, SD
Fuel gauge isn't working on my srx

Well, I am living up to my expectations......I think I broke something....

Fuel gauge is now reading empty with a half tank of fuel. Only thing I did to it was siphon the fuel out of the tank and filled it back up. From what I have read, I am guessing I did something to the tank float rod. Could I have disconnected or broke anything else?

Looking down the fuel cap.....which way should I look to see if that is the beginning of my problem? I'm hoping that is my issue...

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I would look at your wiring diagram and pull the plug to the sending unit and use the diagram to see what you have to do to fool the gauge. I am sure unplugged the gauge will be either completely full or empty and jump the wires on the plug to go opposite on the gauge. That will be a way to quickly ensure your problem is the sending unit and nothing else. From there I would pull the sending unit out and inspect it. Probably easiest way to do that is to just pop the tank off.
You may have bound the float rod... I guess how did you siphon the fuel? did you put a hose towards the back of the fuel tank or pretty much straight down the filler hole? Was anything done is haste or were you fairly careful? it may not be as bad as you think....
Last ride of last year I transported my sled with close to a full tank for about 1 1/2 hrs. (Not the best way to transport but I didn't trust the gas stations where I was going). Float got stuck in the full position and took about 2 hrs. of riding to get the float to release. Initially thought I was getting amazing gas mileage till I looked in the tank. Like these guys are saying, may just be hung up.
I have a good used sending unit if your's is not working. Shoot me a pm and you can have it for whatever it costs for shipping. I had bought it for my viper and didn't end up needing it. I check w/yamaha and your's is the same part number as my 02 viper so it will work. Just let me know and I can throw it in the mail.
Thanks for the responses.

I am guessing my "Siphon" was probably somewhat in haste unintended.

I "splurged" for the fancy siphon that all you do is shake the pipe and it begins to draw.....which due to the cold weather and stiff tube.....probably went straight down and then off to the back...possible right side rear of the sled.

Hopefully a good ride loosens it up. I won't have any time in the near future to "trouble shoot" the sending unit Gil.....however if I do get to it soon, I'll let you know. That's mighty nice of you.

Have a happy holidays!

Just let me know if you need it Steve. It's just sitting on my shelf still in the plastic it came in. I imagine it would only take a couple days to get to you in the mail.
My Sx used to have a problem with the fuel rod binding. I used a coat hanger with a hook and gently moved it until it moved freely. Worked fine after that.
Hey gil, if he doesn't snag it up, I would be interested in purchasing it. I need one for my 99 SX 600.
Well.....I took the sled out for a ride tonight and went to fill it up.

I was sitting with a half tank or maybe just a little less.....Well, a good hard fill of fuel must of loosened it up because the fuel gauge is back to normal!

Guess I need to worry less and ride more! ;)!
I'm having the same issue right now with mine, I siphoned the gas out last year, gauge worked fine last year not its stuck on e even with a full tank. I tried hitting it around with a coat hangar, nothing. I'm wondering if I broke mine somehow.

I also have no brake light, could be the bulb I never checked it last year when I bought the sled,
Need to check the harness... What's the easiest way to check/get to it without ripping the whole thing apart?
For the fuel gauge use a piece of wire and gently push the wire that you can see in the filler hole. Once it is free start it up and with the same piece of wire move it up and down and you will be able to see if the sender works.

Your brake light is probably just the bulb, try just replacing it.
Check the plug for the brake light. I had mine come unhooked on our last trip from stuff in the rear compartment bouncing around.
