hey guys my srx when i rip across the field some time it like locks into an idle and if i give it gass it makes like a bog idle if i pull my choke out till the point where it almost dies it will go back to a normal idle and runs fine anyone ever have this issue? i think it maybe a throttle position sensor but where the hell would that thing be is it cleanable espensive?

sounds more like the TORS. throttle cable too tight?
what is the tors? i think its good ill check it

tors is the throttle over-ride switch (or system maybe) there's a switch on the carb rack and one at the throttle lever. it's a safety feature so if the carbs are open when the throttle isn't squeezed it limits rpm below clutch engagement. 9 times out of ten not having proper throttle cable slack is the culprit when they give you a problem, but one of the switches being bad is possible too. you can check it by disconnecting the 2 bullet connectors and connecting the harness ends to each other and see if the problem goes away. I wouldn't leave it that way for riding though.
TORS is what I'd check first too, but this could also be a powder bog. Is there a lot of powder coming up over the hood when it happens?
By the way, the title is "throttle position sensor"...known as TPS, which is different then TORS.
By the way, the title is "throttle position sensor"...known as TPS, which is different then TORS.
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mod-it said:TORS is what I'd check first too, but this could also be a powder bog. Is there a lot of powder coming up over the hood when it happens?
LMAO where in the heck is there so much snow its coming over the hood?? Definitely nowhere near me lol.![]()
We've got 2' on top in one of my favorite riding areas...doesn't cover up the stumps in the clear-cuts until 6'...long ways to go here too.

mod-it said:TORS is what I'd check first too, but this could also be a powder bog. Is there a lot of powder coming up over the hood when it happens?
By the way, the title is "throttle position sensor"...known as TPS, which is different then TORS.
yes the title is for the tps but it doesn't sound like a tps issue which is why i pointed him towards the tors, a powder bog is a good possibility too if he has enough snow