I was wondering what i should have my carbs set at for my viper with bender triple pipes. Thanks
I don't have a sheet for Benders, but someone will...need to know elevation and average temperature...
I have the sheet from bender, i was wondering if anyone has found a better setup then what bender has. I live in northern Michigan and the elevation here is 666ft and the average temperature is in the 20's during winter.
I am also interested to hear some replies I have the same set up. I have a good baseline set up but have no snow to test. I am starting with. 165m needle at 3rd clip with both shims under, and 55p 2 turns out on fuel screw. I am at 1700 for elevation average temps I wanna say -5 to 30 degrees F. So I am invested to see what people say. I also want so hear some higher elevation set ups like 6000 to 10000 at a nice riding temp. I wanna go to the mountains this year and have no clue what to do for high elevations. Wanna go to the big horns.
Can someone help me out?? Thanks
i had bender tripples on my viper. i ran the opticool head gasket on mine with 162.5 in the pto side, 165 in center and mag. pilots were 52.5 across with fuel air screws out 2.5 turn with the stock airbox and idle down to 1500 hundred. would hang some times. im live in ny and elevation that i ride in is 500 to 1700. got white once when got down around -5 top-10 degrees. cant give you a good mpg because never got good cause i didnt get a real good clutch set up with them but it did rip and was crisp as hell. i loved them but just could figure out the damn clutching. hope this helps. oooo and the vent line was into the airbox still
I'm running 165 main, 50 pilot with the air screw at 1 7/8 turn. I get 10 mpg which is not that bad when my buddy has a 800 cat that gets 8mpg. Lol I do have the opticool head gasket with a srx rear heat exchanger, moded stock head and force 2 reeds. The clutching is right on too. I have smoked my neighbors 05 skidoo 800 rev that is moded too. Not bad when im 60 pounds heavier then him. Just wondering if my setup is fine.
10mpg that's the best I have heard or read on a viper with pipes. OTher than those who are running srx pipes and cdI.
Idk why its getting that. Checked my gas mileage five times last year and all the times it was 10mpg. When it was stock i was getting 12-13mpg.
if your getting 10mpg, leave it alone....... thats about prime set up then.
A piped viper is awesome power but the mileage suffers from the stock 13-14mpg, you must have it dialed in well, ride it and enjoy it, have a safe season!
mileage go hand in hand with clutching/gearing and how hard the sled is ridden, so you are doin good!

A piped viper is awesome power but the mileage suffers from the stock 13-14mpg, you must have it dialed in well, ride it and enjoy it, have a safe season!

mileage go hand in hand with clutching/gearing and how hard the sled is ridden, so you are doin good!

Thanks Mrviper, will leave it alone, but i will have to see what it gets now since i went from a 21t top gear to a 20t.
Have a safe winter as well.
Have a safe winter as well.