SRX Tail Light Wiring


New member
Oct 9, 2011
South Eastern CT
I have just found out that my (new to me) 2000 SRX tail light is not working. I am not sure if it ever has. So I figured, change the bulb.

After inspection of the bulb, I put it in my truck and it works. Then my next test was going checking to see if there was any power to the light socket, nothing.

Coming from the nuclear industry, I usually swear by the 50-50 method. Cutting the system in half, and halving it again and again until I find the problem. Well after checking continuity from the switch to a 3 wire plug that was not connected to anything that also happened to have the same color (blue, blk, grn w/ yl stripe) as the wires going under the seat and to the light.

Come to find out, the wires that goes under the the gas tank, and into the right footwell, has nothing connected to it. I think that the connection from the "front half" of the system just isn't connected to the "back half" of the system. The wire harness has all the connections I can see connected, all the way up to the 3 wire plug that isn't connected. It is located next to the brake cowling and the wires just barely poke out of the harness before they get to the molex.

What is the worst that can happen if I just connect the wires from the harness to the wires going to the taillight? And can I just make some connections or would it be best to just get the little run of wire from yamaha?
kinda hard to follow your post but if i'am reading it right your missing the harness that goes under the tank? the connector that is by the right foot well should be connected to a small 3 wire harness about 2 ft long that passes under the tank and comes out at the back of the tank and connects to the harness that runs in through the seat. i would lift up the rear of the tank and see if the small harness is there. if it is maybe someone just pulled the seat off without disconnecting the seat connector which could have pulled the small harness enuf to disconnect it from the main harness.
Sorry for the confusing post and delayed response. I am missing the wire that goes from the harness under the hood, to the wire that goes under the tank. I think. There is a short piece of wire that goes from the seat, under the tank, and ends in the right foot well. I am assuming there should be another short piece of wire to connect that to the main harness?
Anyone know the part number for the wire that goes from the main harness under the hood near the coolant hose and brake back to the rear light itself? or what type of connector the plugs are?
RangerStammy said:
Anyone know the part number for the wire that goes from the main harness under the hood near the coolant hose and brake back to the rear light itself? or what type of connector the plugs are?
I'm not 100% sure but I think what your looking for is part number 28,it would be worth an email to the guys at Port Yamaha and verify.
I think you might be right four, and can't believe I overlooked that part! There are no yamaha dealers around here that could help me even when I brought them a picture of where the wire was! Thank you all for the replies, I hope that is the right wire.
So, I ordered 8DN-8471G-00-00 and the plugs are both male plugs. The plug coming off the main harness is a female, so no problem there. but the wire that comes out in the footwell area from under the gas tank is a male plug, male+male= no good. Going to send back the wire, maybe I can get the plugs somewhere so I can make my own wire?
you can always make your own plug ends using male and female insulated bullet connecters, or the spade style etc.
I was trying to avoid doing a custom job, but it seems that is going to be the easiest/ only way to get the connection. Thanks Andrew!

Let's not have to get all PC now everyone! haha.

On another note, any snow up in the northern areas?

We had some snow and I was able to take my sled out for the first time and this thing RIPS! we had half a foot of a packed trail and a dusting of fluffy stuff and when the clutch really started to engage there would be bare spots on the trail even when I tried to feather it nice and easy!
Any wrecking yards in your area?You might try to find what your looking for from a scrapped sled chassis if not there's a few guys on here that deal in used parts surely someone could fix you up.
