tether kill switch SRX

Yooper Dooper

New member
Feb 9, 2008
What wire do I connect an in line kill switch too for a wrist tether? I started engine and cut the three wires coming from the kill switch one at a time, but it kept running.... to my surprise. It appeared to me that should of worked.
the kill switch completes the circuit to ground... so therefore cutting the wires or unplugging them disables the kill switch... you need a tether that also is naturally open and closes when activated... then you can hook one side of the tether to ground and the other end to the "hot" going into the kill switch... unfortunately i don't know which one that is
on mine (2000) my tether is on the black with white stripe then going to ground as tyler440 said. I think the other 2 wires are a ground and one is the TORS, cant recall which is which.
OK, If I am reading you right I need to take one wire from the tether and put it in-line on the hot going to the kill switch and the other wire from the tether put it in-line with the ground from the kill switch....?
