Heated Helmet Shield


New member
Jan 6, 2009
I have a last years model HJC Slayer helmet with a regular snowmobile shield on it. It fogged up something fierce on a few occasions last winter. It has a crack on one side and I wanna replace it with a heated shield. Where do I find them? HJC website is no help and neither is eBay...

Didn't realize they were that expensive. I figured $50. Not spending almost $100 on a shield.
Do a google search, I know ebay has a bunch of them. I bought a nice helmet off the forum classifieds a few months ago with heated shield for just over $100 if you want to think about going that route.

They really do make a huge difference.
Racing666 said:
Didn't realize they were that expensive. I figured $50. Not spending almost $100 on a shield.

My riding buddies with glasses sware by them.

I personally never had a need for one nor do I think they make them for an MX style lid.
I didn't see any on eBay for the HJC Slayer... In fact, I didn't even see a regular shield on there.
