M10 Limited Builds this year!!!!!!


Site Admin/CEO
Staff member
Apr 25, 2003
Weston WI
We have been in discussion with FAST, Inc. about their 2004 model
M-10 suspension for another review of the product line and what changes
there may be. Interestingly, changes are few, though we found out that this year FAST is only producing about 1/2 the volume that they normally produce. Sales are stronger than ever though due to some changes in the business they missed some critical lead times and therefore will not have enough timely product. What does this mean- there are fewer M-10's available this year than any other and with the snow coming you should act now while there are some M-10's still available. We strongly beleive the M-10 remains unchallanged and is the best investment yet for comfort and control over your Yamaha Skid. Mention our name Totallyamaha.com Thanks.


if anyone wants I can go over to fast and make sure they hold one for ya, they are about 1 mile from my house. I used to work for them back when I was in high school also!
M 10 to Canada

B.I.R if you are in the area could you check to see if a 151 with Olins is or has been sent to Kamloops B.C. Canada. to Citation Rentals.
Much appreciated waiting 2 months!
check for me too?

Please find out where my m-12 is for my 05 rev. Waitiing too long for it! I am a pretty good customer as this is my 3rd suspension from them. Mike from nj
Tom - you posted the same thing last year. I see plenty new and used on e-bay. I think the revs, and fusions will limit how well the m-10 does
