I've done tons of researching setting power valves and havent really come across this problem. Usually the cables are too long because of stretching. Anyways, my center cylinder burned down last season and I rebuilt the top end and sent it out to get two bearings replaced in the crank.... got it all back together (runs great) and this is the only thing holding me back! kinda embarrassed haha. I did this last year and don't remember running into this. I understand the whole process and i'm pretty sure the cables are in the correct positions going into the motor assembly. The valves are in and have a 2.5mm spacer in. I idled down to 900. Motor moved to the open position and I marked it. So then i loosened up the cables all the way and tried adjusting but i cant turn the motor to the "open" position because the cables are too short. What am I doing wrong? Also when it works properly, are you supposed to tighten the cable until the cable tightens and the valve is still closed or tighten it until its pretty tight with the spacer in and the valve is pulled open?
Here's a pic to show how much slack i... well don't have. Take a look where my marks are too.
Here's a pic to show how much slack i... well don't have. Take a look where my marks are too.
make sure that your power valves are seated in the housings correctly ...i am wondering if one valve shafts is catching up on the collar or the housing or something causing this problem ..or the cables are routed wrong or wraped on pulley in the wrong direction
I would check to see if the cables are going the right way on the pulley, odd that all 3 could have a problem at the same time. The common point is the servo pulley.
Did you put the correct cables in the right places? There are 2 cables that are exactly the same length and one that is just a little bit longer. I think it's 1 & 2 are the same length and 3 is the longer one.
I am almost positive that they are in the same position that they were in before i took them off. Can anyone tell me which cables go to which position? Cylinder number to upper, middle, lower position on the motor mount. And also the cable positions. In the photo i have the center cable in the upper notch (center groove). The lower cable in the lower notch (outermost groove). And the upper cable in the lower notch (innermost groove).
Racing666 said:Did you put the correct cables in the right places? There are 2 cables that are exactly the same length and one that is just a little bit longer. I think it's 1 & 2 are the same length and 3 is the longer one.
Racing666 X 2
When you adjust them it will come up snug. You will feel the play disappear with the 2.5mm spacer in.
Mine are number 1 is top, 2 is middle, and 3 is bottom on the clip mount by the carburetors/spark plugs. 2 shorter cables are PTO side and middle, and the slightly longer cable is on the recoil side. On the power valve servo housing, it's 1 top, 2 middle, 3 bottom. When you look at the servo wheel, the top one goes on the inside, bottom in middle, and middle cable goes on the outside. The middle goes on the furthest cable notch on the wheel and the top and bottom go on the 2 shortest notches on the wheel. like this:
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