viper weight?


New member
Feb 21, 2011
Makkovik Labrador
hey, i sold my mountain max today :( and i purchased a viper mod, its a 121 with the 144 suspension 2 inch finger track tunnel extention etc, boss seat, transfer kit, v force 3 reeds, heel clickers in er, no reverse, triple hauck pipes 3 slincers, anti rachets, hand gaurds stock yamaha skis the mtn bars and the breather what only allows so much air go through, has this turn switch thingie on there, and im wondering how heavy it is? i need to ship it to where i live, and im wondering on the wheight of it to check the cost to ship it
Mnt. Viper was listed as 517 lbs dry weight in my manual. My SLP triples claimed a weight savings of 6 lbs, yours probably saved some too. Should be somewhere around 511- 512 lbs.

I remember several years ago Snowtech weighed a bunch of different sleds after all fluids were in them, full tank of gas, and had actually rode them around to get snow in the skid. Viper was somewhere around 665 lbs, one of the higher ones that year ('04 I think?). Not many sleds have a 12 gallon tank like Viper does. I remember the RX1 was quite a bit heavier in this test, in the neighborhood of 775 lbs.
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ok, im not sure how much gas will be in it, but it has the stock rear cooler for the 121, and shes full with coolant thanks for responding so soon
