99 srx gear question? wrong gear?


New member
Jan 30, 2010
moncton canada
i just finished changing the track and while i had the chain case apart i wanted to try dropping a tooth on the top sprocket , i know i needed the wide type gear used on the 98-99 srx, when i received the new top gear it looks the same but about an eighth narrower then the old one,it was used , it roles nice on the chain but can move the chain side to side a little, spline is also the same ,would you run it or is this the wrong gear? i can post pics if needed, thanks
If you measured the old gear and the new gear is narrower the question is how much narrower? If the new gear is 1-3 mm narrower I would say you may want to lok for another gear as all of the plates are not going to make contact and you may cause undo stress in the chain. Plus if the chain wanders on the gear it may make small shards of metal that will not be good for anything in the chaincase(gears, chain, bearings), I may be sounding paranoid but the chain and gears were designed to work hand in hand with each other. My $.02
Yep. you need a 15w gear on the 98-99 and you got a 13w from newer one, you'll be safe to run that gear. we do it all the time to reach a gear ratio we need for races.
15w vs 13w

would it be safe to run on the trails? chain may move around a little, if it wont hurt anything ill try it, i just don't wont a bunch of metal getting into the bearings or breaking a chain on the trail,
KKing32 what tooth gear are you looking for? I may have one here that i can send you... If I have it I will pay it forward and ship it to you.
