big bore 780. can someone point me in the right direction?


New member
Nov 7, 2011
Labrador City, NL
so i hauled the head off the srx. head is chewed, exhaust side of the piston is chewed to pieces, and the cylinder wall is chewed!! NOOOOO!!! what would cause this i wonder??

well anyways thats besides the point. to get new pistons rings gaskets, get my cylinder sent out and redone, etc etc, id rather spend the money on a big bore. can someone point me in the right direction of who does the best big bores and the steps I have to go through/what i will need/ the approx cost of doing so?

thanks guys, this website is the BEST!
not sure what usuall cost is but hauck's website has a sale right now on big bore kits, think they started right around $1500. kit includes coated pistons, rings, gasket set, bored, ported and renikasiled cylinders, modified heads
it would most definatley be the smashed debris as far as i can see. i only have the head off so far as it is freezing outside. it looks to me like a chunk of the ring has broken off as well, so im guessing thats what cause everything. but i mean why would the ring break?
mattysmith440 said:
it would most definatley be the smashed debris as far as i can see. i only have the head off so far as it is freezing outside. it looks to me like a chunk of the ring has broken off as well, so im guessing thats what cause everything. but i mean why would the ring break?

The broken ring could most likely be a result of the piston crown errosion on the exhaust side. Once the piston errodes enough the ring can no longer be stabilized in the piston ring groove and it eventually hooks the exhaust port and the rest is history!

With debree damage in cylinder I would recommend you also have the crank inspected...particularly the big end crankshaft/rod bearing.


hey crazykid, thanks a lot for the link. but im gonna be looking for something completely new. that set has 2 new cylinders, 2 new pistons, etc. seems a great deal tho but im either gonna talk to mr viper or get a whole new setup from hauck.

bob, im gonna split the case and send my crank to adreienne benard here in canada, get all new bearings and have it phased. im goin all out, not skippin a step or cutting a corner!
Hey its your money man! Thats alot of parts for $900! There are some great parts there, Ya aint gonna exactly get new from the others either, But yeah definatly talk to Mr viper he does great work from i have read and seen.
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