power valve adjustment harness


New member
Dec 24, 2011
New York
Does any one know how I can make one of these harnesses? I cant see spending $40.00 or more on one if I can make my own.
Both Bender and Mountain Performance did sell this unit a few years ago but dropped it as a product. It is very simple to make the wiring to actuate the power valve servo motor.
I know you can idle the engine down below 900 rpm and the servo motor will actuate the power valves to the full open position. I prefer to be able to use an external power supply with a momentary switch to have the motor restore the valves to the right position in between adjusting each valve. The adjustment process will cause the pulley on the servo motor to move. Yes, you can make a mark on the pulley and the motor but I prefer to have the motor reset to the right position. Here is what I did:
1. I removed the stock connector on the separate pair of wires coming from the servo motor. This is the connector installed by the factory to allow the connection of an external power supply. I removed this connector and replaced it with a connector from a local electronics supplier. I did this because I could not locate the mating connector to the factory unit.
2. The circuit is simple: I used a small electrical box to house a momentary, push button switch (power is applied to the motor only when the button is pressed), a fuse and an indicator light. There are two pairs of wires from the box: 1 pair goes to the connector which mates to the new connector on the servo motor, the second pair connects to a 12 volt battery. I put a set of large aligator clips on the end of the wires going to the battery. I use a small motorcycle battery. The fuse is wired in series with the push button switch. The positive terminal from the battery is connected to the fuse, the output of the fuse is connected to the switch and the output of the switch goes to the servo motor. The negative from the battery goes directly to the servo motor. The indicator lamp is connected across the two wire going to the servo motor. I like the light as a poitive indication that power s being delivered to the servo motor.
The parts cost me about $12 and about and hour of work to make.

It is easy to use, just plug it in, connect the two wires to the battery, push the button and the servo motor rotates to the right position. Let me know if posting pictures would be helpful.

So, what you're saying is when the idle goes to 900rpm or lower, the valves are in the full open position? I think you're backwards. They should be full closed at idle, not open. When the engine is revving to higher rpms, you would want the valves to open to allow more exhaust out. When it's idling or at low rpms, you want the valves closed.
Pauljones said:
At idle (2000 rpm) the valves are closed, below 900 rpm the valves go wide open. Yamaha's self cleaning feature

Thanks for clarifying that. And their "self cleaning feature" doesn't seem to work very well lol
