needle clip confusion???


New member
Oct 29, 2010
Seacoast NH
Just trying to figure this out. Doesn't make sense. I've got my needles set at 4th groove, both washers on top of clip per Mr. Viper. Stock is 3 with washers under clip. Stands to reason that 4th clip with both washers under clip would be in fact 4, right? Mr. Viper stated that washers under the clip it would be blubbery rich. So.....what is the setting I have them set at now with clip at 4 with washers over the clip? Is it actually 3.5?
If this turns out to be too rich once we get some snow, where the heck do I set them to get 3.5????
Maybe I should be eating more brain food but I am slightly confused and I don't enjoy being confused.....
LOL! These needle clip/washer positions confuse everyone!

Here's my interpretation.

For example:

Clip position 4...two washers below clip.........................= 4

Clip position 4...washers split[one above one below clip] = 3.5

Clip position 4...two washers above clip ........................= 3 1/4

Thats how I understand it

3.5 would be 4th groove (from the bottom) with one washer over and one under. You are sort of in that 3.25 area:) now. Ran my 780 motor at 4 with both over for years.
Thanks for the quick responses guys. You guys are a perfect example as to why this site is the best.
Makes alot more sense now. Good to know that it's only richened up a little at 3 1/4 or so. Should be good to go for the season.
Thanks again,
Now that I don't feel confused,..... :letitsnow :letitsnow :letitsnow
Whew! glad I wasn't the only one Super. Been bothering me for a couple days now. MUCH clearer now. I generally don't like to ask for help on anything, (stubborn like that). This was driving me crazy!
I'm really psyched to see how she runs, especially with the new helix and spring. Gotta get some extra weights from the dealer for my primary soon in case my RPM's are through the roof. Other than that she's ready to go. I don't need to say I'm just waiting for snow, do I?
...... Didn't think so....
staggs65 said:
your memory banks are better than mine Chris. I have to look at the pictures in the manual every time I mess with a set to get it right. lol

Only thing is my memory bank is a note pad. Everytime i come across somthing like that i write it in this s note pad. My wife teases me all the time about my "little snowmobile book" killed way to many storage cell in my younger days. Come to think of it i still am! LOL!
