Windshield Bag


New member
May 3, 2003
Epping, New Hampshire
I have the Yamaha Windshield Bag for my 02 Viper. Problem I am having is the velcro that sticks to the sled keeps on falling off just on the back area. By the front of speedo sticks great. Used everything from alcohol prep pads and a hair dryer to try and make these stick. Anyone have any other tricks for this. I have to get more velcro as these are shot. So if anyone has some tricks please let me know? :confused:

I have used some 3M double sided foam tape. This stuff has sticked to anything I have tried it on. I think you can find this at a auto body supply house. I have put this on the back side of the velcro, its still holding.
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Thanks. I didnt think of that. I was going to sand the mounting surface smooth then stick some new velcro. Kind of don't want to do the sanding thing so I will try your idea.
