apex yamcharger vs srx

Apex... ran against one last year at the NY TY trip on Cranberry Lake... but I am not a drag racer by any means
Is your question about a Stock Srx? Ok here's my .02. A good stock 2000-02 Srx is making bout 142 HP vs 150 for a good apex. 8 HP advantage to Apex. Now I know the Pex is a little heavier but those things have grunt. A Yamahcharger is good for 20 HP, now the Apex is in the 170 HP range. And of course you're gonna run a clutch kit to get the most out of the Yamacharger so there is another advantage.

Assuming good conditons and that both machines are running strong and hooking up, the stock Srx is gonna have a tough time in that matchup. I just don't see it being in the hunt. Even a ported SRX is still down over 10 HP in this matchup.
I really believe the SRX needs at least a 780 BB to be on a level playing field against the YC Apex.

Regardless of the outcome, thats a race I would love to see. We all know the SRX when properly setup can whoop up on some really fast sleds. Like Staggs said, there both Yamaha's.
well friend did some radar run with the apex yamcharger and they only made 113mph ....its gonna be a side sby side race cause my srx did 115 on radar .....
Post up the results when ya run it, I want to see if my Viper is that big of a dog, the Yamacharger Apex got me out of the hole pretty easily
for sure i will post them....those guy always think the have the best sled and the fastest ....if i can hook up good im sure he gonna have hard time
modsrx said:
well friend did some radar run with the apex yamcharger and they only made 113mph ....its gonna be a side sby side race cause my srx did 115 on radar .....

I could ask questions all day long about a yc sled only doing 113. In my post I say "good running". ANY sled, stock or otherwise, can be a pooch on any given day. A "stock" apex should run 113 all day in decent conditons. One of the issues with the yamacharger seems to be that it is fairly easily (if not correctly) installed by the owner/buyer. It is one thing to mod a sled and another to mod one and have it run better. One of the problems with the YC install is that everything needs to be sealed up well. That thing is only making about 2psi of boost at max revs. If there is even the slightest air leak between the compressor and throttle bodies, guess what, no extra performance.

As most people already know, when making comparisons, they need to be on the same day or, at the very least, as similar of condions as posible if any reasonable comparisons are gonna be made.
staggs65 said:
hey mod whatever happened when you and concept carbon went to the dyno and got the bad numbers. did you guys ever go back and re-run them?

no never .....didnt want to waste money again ...maybe ill go in a real dyno this time ...
Macheater said:
I could ask questions all day long about a yc sled only doing 113. In my post I say "good running". ANY sled, stock or otherwise, can be a pooch on any given day. A "stock" apex should run 113 all day in decent conditons. One of the issues with the yamacharger seems to be that it is fairly easily (if not correctly) installed by the owner/buyer. It is one thing to mod a sled and another to mod one and have it run better. One of the problems with the YC install is that everything needs to be sealed up well. That thing is only making about 2psi of boost at max revs. If there is even the slightest air leak between the compressor and throttle bodies, guess what, no extra performance.

As most people already know, when making comparisons, they need to be on the same day or, at the very least, as similar of condions as posible if any reasonable comparisons are gonna be made.

sorry but here stock apex got problem to go over 100mph not sure why but its real .......... ;)!
Macheater said:
Must be the lack of snow! LOL! :letitsnow

lack of snow would help them lolllllll...don't know why all apex ive seen stock are not very fast ....they seem to be big submarine loll
bluemonster1 said:
is everyone in your area overweight ??And riding a Apex to...
lolllll blue the weight doesnt change mutch for a open lake topend ....
