bar raisers


New member
Feb 21, 2011
Makkovik Labrador
hey, i got a set of 10 inch bar raisers off of a rev xp, and getting a set of over sized adaptor to fit the fatty bars, RSI and the RSI break line extention, adds 6 inch from stock, and the throttle cable extention adds 8 inches, and pivot adaptor from RSI, im wondering if its goona fit on well, or have to get the smaller bar raisers?
you will nee the powermadd pivotal adapter with the ski-doo riser. also that is very high. check out the pic of my sled. that with the rsi 8" riser. Also the brake cable might not be long enough. its a little tight on mine.
are you like 7 ft tall? I am 6 ft tall and I have 8in riser with rethal MOTO bars that add about 2 in and that is almost to tall for me. I had to custom make a seat so it didn't look like I was riding a sled with ape hangers.

TO answer your question yes thos rsi oil and throttle cables will be plenty long enough. But you will definatly need to buy a rsi brake cable as well. Also your wiring harness will morethan likely need to be extended. ALso your park brake will probably not be long enough mine gets a little tight when I turn the bars.

MY buddy has a srx that we did the same to 8in riser 3in rise bars and we modified the park brake line with some bicycle brake cable.

IF you have more questions let me know.

HEre is a link to some pics of my sled with the risers on take a look.
97mm700 said:
hey, i got a set of 10 inch bar raisers off of a rev xp, and getting a set of over sized adaptor to fit the fatty bars, RSI and the RSI break line extention, adds 6 inch from stock, and the throttle cable extention adds 8 inches, and pivot adaptor from RSI, im wondering if its goona fit on well, or have to get the smaller bar raisers?

Ya you will need the powermadd pivot adapter unless you already have a t-post attached to your stem. The risers need a t-post to grab onto essentially.

But with the brake line extensions, and the throttle/oil line extension, you'll fit.

I've got 9" risers, a powermadd pivot adapter with all cables extended and I've got a little more room.

You'll have to do some wire length addition, make sure to take pictures before you rip it all apart.
heres the pic of mine. like i said im 6' 2" and its almost not possible to ride sitting down.


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I'm 6'4" with a total of 10" of rise on a stock seat and I can ride sitting down.... It's just like riding a Harley though

However, they're such a perfect height for me that I really don't sit, I stand.
