Track too tight ??


VIP Member
Oct 1, 2010
Northeast Ohio
I just performed the 5.35" wheel upgrade (all 6) and installed the 7.5" rear wheels. New hyfax were installed along with the marginal snow wheels. The back axle is all the forward and only have about an inch or so of hang when pulling at a med pressure by hand. Is this normal with this setup or is the marginal wheels too much? I just dont want to stress anything out. I'm hoping it will settle in!!
The middle shock is set to 0 preload and the rear shock nut is tightened about 19mm down on the threads. The rear has alot of sag, just wonder if I should tighten the rear shock up more. Thanks
my ripsaw 1.25" with 8 Tooth driver as to be almost banjo tight so it won't ratchet and I do have Rev idler's on it.....
Alright then guys, sounds good to me. Just didnt want to wear out the new hyfax super fast, but thats what the oversize wheels prevent. ;)!

What should I do about the rear end sag? I remember reading on here about the sag should be 1/3 of the travel? Does that sound right.
