Does anyone know if they make a rear heat exchange protector for srx's? thanks
Yes they do, Yamaha or aftermarket.
Do you know a site i can go too? ive looked online and through catalogs and can only find front protectors.

Super Moderator
The SRX (also the same for viper) have been discontinued. Been a few years. They are a very hard find these days. Watch ebay for them. Edunn ive never seen aftermarket, where do you find those? Here is a link on how to make your own. They look very strong and will work as good as OEM. http://www.totallyamaha.net/forums/showthread.php?t=82026 A lot of places still show them in the catalog but they do not carry them. I know cause i called a million before i found some on ebay.
Thanks bud!
Ive been lookin for weeks for one and havent even seen they exist! lol

Someone just had them on sale, maybe it's a close out sale. I will try to look to see where I found them

edunn69 said:Someone just had them on sale, maybe it's a close out sale. I will try to look to see where I found them
I saw that too just cant remember where. It might of been port yamaha, I get emails from them on they're sales
New member
Didnt Bender make em too? or was that just front heat exchanger?
New member
i just bought some today on eaby for $30, it was a good deal i think came with rivets to. i think they had 2 sets left
on its way to my house