General Clutch Question


Lifetime VIP Member
Nov 13, 2010
I have a squeeky sounding clutch when idling. 04 yamaha viper. It almost sounds like when you first start a metal lath except not very loud. I was just wondering if this could be cured by a clutch cleaning and if so what is the best way to clean it? Could it be something else? Thanks in advance.
Well I switched out the belt 2X and it made no difference which belt. I did just buy a new belt and it's on the machine so I guess I'll see what happens.

As you said I think one of my belts was worn out because I was only getting about 65 out of it at 9000 rpm. Granted it a Mtn Viper so I think I should top out around 85 ish.

Just prior to the season I've installed a torque limiter and I'm hoping my belt wear will go back to normal. Offset and center to center are right on.

HDYamaha84 thanks for the idea. I'll be checking that one. Thanks.
Sounds like the three bolts on the back side of the secondary that set belt deflection are getting worn out. They have washers on them that can be removed so the belt sits lower in the secondary, but the ends of the bolts themselves are made to wear and need replaced on occasion.
