Measuring lugs and studding


New member
Dec 1, 2010
Some newbie questions...

Is lug height measured to the point of the track nearest or furthest from the tip of the lug?

I am trying to figure out the size studs I need for a stock 02 Viper track and ripsaw from an 04 Viper that I am putting in my 99 SRX.

Ripsaw measurements were .375 thickness between lugs, and 1.25" from the inside of the track to the outside of the lug. So is my lug height 1.25"? Or is it (1.25-.375)=.875"?

The stock Viper track measured at .375 between lugs, 1" from inside of track to tip of lugs.

So is lug height( 1"-.375): .625"?

And then what size studs would you recommend?
Measure from outer surface of track to lug tip. holding a straight edge over/across the lugs & measure down to surface. U will want studs that give u about a 1/4" longer than the lug.
I found the same thing when I went thru this. My 1" hacksaw was actually 1" lug height including the thickness of the track. Assuming you draw the head of the stud flush with the inside of the track, you need to subtract the overall length of the stud from that number to get your prentration. The overall length is listed on the stud chart. I'm glad I paid attention because if I have just 5/16" of penetration (they recommend 1/4" to no more then 3/8") if I had listened to what some peoople told me I would've had 144 studs the were nearly 1/2" of penetration that I couldn't use. On my hacksaw I ended up with 1.005 woodys gold diggers and have 5/16" above the lugs. Gil
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if its off an 04 that means it is a viper s (special edition) tjey came from the factory with a 1.25 ripsaw the lug heigth is 1.25 for that track you want a stud that is longer then the lug by the thickness of the track to be flush with the lug
here's the link to my thread and what I went thru figuring it out.
In 04 they made a viper er with a 1" track and a Viper S with a 1.25" ripsaw. They made 2 vipers in 04
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02 viper had a .92" lug track.The 04 viper-s had a 1.25" ripsaw.Stud size depends on brand because of how they measure their studs.But you want 1/4" to 3/8" above lug.The .92" track you can stud and use in the Viper or SRX no problem.The 1.25" you will need to change the drive sprockets to 8 tooth.If you need studs let me know i can set you up.
richie...I re-measured the Ripsaw several times. It is used with about 2,000 miles on the track with 2-3 partially torn lugs.

The Ripsaw lug measurements ranged from 1.12" to 1.17 actual lug height. (I used a 2x4 laid across lugs to measure accurately).

I am thinking of a Woodys Megabite with single and double square backers 144 total. Please PM me with what you think a couple options are for appropriate length in an SRX, with price quote and lead time (need to get these ASAP)

also need quote for same pattern on stock 02 Viper track in a Viper.
I would measure the total thickness of track.From top to bottom.Then i'll know for sure.But you still really dont want to run studs in the track on the SRX or Viper without changing drivers.You could use a 1.175" and if you keep track tight it'll work but you wont have hardly anything for penetration past the lug.Are you set on the Woody megabites ? I have a cheaper but still really good option for you.
gil7247 said:
I found the same thing when I went thru this. My 1" hacksaw was actually 1" lug height including the thickness of the track. Assuming you draw the head of the stud flush with the inside of the track, you need to subtract the overall length of the stud from that number to get your prentration. The overall length is listed on the stud chart. I'm glad I paid attention because if I have just 5/16" of penetration (they recommend 1/4" to no more then 3/8") if I had listened to what some peoople told me I would've had 144 studs the were nearly 1/2" of penetration that I couldn't use. On my hacksaw I ended up with 1.005 woodys gold diggers and have 5/16" above the lugs. Gil

I also found the same thing as you with the barely used Hacksaw track that I just installed and amatosrx's brand new Hacksaw track. They are 1" including the thickness of the track. My 1.175 studs are plenty long in that track but I am going to run it... 144 down the middle with (doubles/singles). Should hook up pretty well.
OK I measured again and the 02 stock VIPER track has a total track plus lug of 1.15".

The RIPSAW going in the SRX totaled 1.42".

I want to do 144 studs with single and double backers... Let me know your recommendations and price quote...
What length would you recommend?

Given the track thicknesses given, what length Woodys megabites would you recommend for each?

You have my business for one set of the Woodys if you can answer that question and get them to my door by Friday. Have to wait for set 2 for next pay cycle...would be 144 studs, 48 single square and 48 double square backers....

I want to order today!
The viper track 1" woody.The SRX 1.175".Let me know which set you want 1st.Friday is doable if you get ahold of me today.I gotta deliver some parts so i'll be on rode for alittle bit.But you can call me on the road or leave your # here and i'll call you.Thanks rich

