"tightening" up reed petal seating


VIP Lifetime Member
May 5, 2003
St George,New Brunswick,Canada
I was curious as to how the reed petals were seating on my SRX and noticed that there are a few spots that aren't sealing all that well.The reed petals are in great shape otherwise,no chips or anything,and they are stock reeds and cages so can someone give me some advise on how I may go about getting the reeds to seal better all around?
they are just worn and can't maintain their shape anymore..so best to replace them..will aid on easier starting also.There is supposed to be a natural curve to them ever so slight.reversing them will make it either worse or slightly better.When I can see light coming thru when holding the whole cage up to a light..it was time for a change and I remember after I did it a few years back..the SRX was actually starting up much quicker.
they are probably fine and i would leave them. They may show a very slight gap when they are in your hand but under any pressureIengine running) they will seal tight.
