I recently installed a Polaris clutch on my mountain max, I'm running a lt. blue spring and 10MB (47.5g) weights, engagement is about 3800 which is about where I want it, but it over revs to a over 9K which is obviously way too high. Any suggestions on which weights/spring I should look for?
Okay, if anybody cares I put in some AC 53g weights, it still revs to 88-8900rpms, I'm thinking I may need taller gearing which I am not going to do, if anything I'd like it lower for tight tree riding.
You don't want to gear up from stock if you mtn riding.What rpm are you trying to achieve.Is your sled have the stock pipe,pipes,ported?
You must have an aftermarket spring because i don't believ polaris has just a blue primary spring.I can help you get close otherwise Tom hatman sells clutch kits using the polaris primary for yamahas.
You must have an aftermarket spring because i don't believ polaris has just a blue primary spring.I can help you get close otherwise Tom hatman sells clutch kits using the polaris primary for yamahas.
New member
find the specs for your front spring and go softer with the top number
I think it's a polaris 7041080 120-300lb spring, how much lighter should I go to get it down to 8400 or so?
Stock single pipe, stock internals 19/40 gearing
Edit: I guess it's 292lbs at 1.25" and 300 at 1.19"
Stock single pipe, stock internals 19/40 gearing
Edit: I guess it's 292lbs at 1.25" and 300 at 1.19"
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New member
120 -260 if there is one that should get you close
The spring wont drop that much put some 10-56 Polaris weights in there and hang on.
New member
+1 pro116
600 twin though! Mine seemed direct bolt on. I did remove 1 shim on secodary bolt to align.
Not sure if this helps but. I am running (10 m5) 49 grams on a gold spring. was spinnig 8400. Have (10 al) 53 grams on the way. I,m hoping for 7800. Your spring is stiffer than mine,but you can spin more rpms. I am guessing 56 gram polaris weights too.

I was thinking about gettig 10 56 and taking some weight out of the heel to bring them down to 53/52 ish. Kinda like the $100 belly buster weights.
600 twin though! Mine seemed direct bolt on. I did remove 1 shim on secodary bolt to align.
Not sure if this helps but. I am running (10 m5) 49 grams on a gold spring. was spinnig 8400. Have (10 al) 53 grams on the way. I,m hoping for 7800. Your spring is stiffer than mine,but you can spin more rpms. I am guessing 56 gram polaris weights too.

I was thinking about gettig 10 56 and taking some weight out of the heel to bring them down to 53/52 ish. Kinda like the $100 belly buster weights.
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Well, since early January the snow conditions have changed, I'm generally running 8200 in wetter deep snow and 8400-8500 on most packed trails, and still at 88-8900 in superfluff.
Good enough for me.
Good enough for me.