Exhaust Band Question?


New member
May 28, 2008
Pinckney , MI
hey guys,

have any of you guys taken off the aluminum heat shields on the stock viper exhaust? are the bands reusuable? how do you disassemble them? also if not can you order new ones from yamaha?

any help would be great

they are not reuseable, they are the same thing as cv boot clamps only in a much larger size, you need the special crimp pliers to put new ones on.
Yamaha did have some replacement ones for the srx pipes but have not seen a part number for the viper pipe. you could find regular long hose clamps or look for longer pinch clamps like the cv boots use if you have the pliers to install.
most any piping supply company will have the bands in any size you can think of. I use them all the time at work on big industrial hoses. but like Don said, you need the tool to install them.
I have some replacements on hand. I think I got a box of 50 when I needed some a few years back. They are stainless steel and have the little spring and ball that locks the clamp. I don't use the tool, I just cut the tail off with a pair of good end cutters. Let me know if you want a couple, I can send them to you. I am in Howell if you want to pick them up.
Those steel bands are made by a company called Panduit. They are their Pan-steel clamps. You need the size for an 8 inch dia.. I bought a box of 50 from an aircraft parts surplus house for $16 back in 2009. I just looked on the web and the clamps are still available from Panduit but at about $80 for a box of 50. I wish I could remeber the name of the comapny I bought them from earlier.
OK, I found the information I dug up in 2009 on the clamps. here is a link to the place where I bought them from: http://skycraftsurplus.com/pan-steeltmstainlesssteeltiesclamps50count.aspx

A bargain at $12.50 per box of 50. They have 34 boxes in stock. I just tried one on a set of SRX pipes and they are plenty long enough. These clamps are for a mx. dia. of 6 in., not 8 in. as I said in my previous note.

You don't need Panduit's special tool, you can hold the clamp in place with a flat blade screwdriver and pull the other end through and tight with a pliers then cut off the ecess with a pair of diagnol cutters.
I just bought a box of these so if anyone in the Minneapolis area needs some, let me know. Thanks for doing the legwork Jim.
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ok, if these fit the single viper pipe I will buy a few from someone who has them. This will allow me to send my heat shields out to be powdercoated, pm with details and I will paypal the funds for bands and shipping, thanx much ;)!

:wel: ;)! ;)!
The ones I have are Panduit MLT6H-LP316. They barely fit the stock Viper pipe. However, they don't have to be cut if you can get them on the Viper pipe.

Anybody that wants some, just send your address to me.

I have put them on a Viper pipe as well as others like the Phazer, etc.
I cut my yamaha straps off tonight, they are almost 20 inchs long, will these ones you guys found fit?
They are 20.5" in length. They fit the Viper just barely which as it turns out is actually a benefit as they don't have to be cut. They are just a little tricky to get on. Just have to have the shields tightly in place before the strap will grab.

Just let me know if you want a couple of them sent your way.

The ones that rx1jim posted are the same exact ones I have.
Hey Don, check your mail box (the one out by the street, lol) in a couple days. Consider it thanks for helping me and all of TY out all these years.
A couple of bucks said:
Would a ratchet type come-along help to hold them tight until you get them fastened? Never had to deal with covers.
I just use a small ratchet strap when I do them with a thin piece of plastic under the ratchet part to avoid scratching the shields.
no need to use a ratchet strap if u have some one hold the two peices together u can start the straps then i used a set of needle nose pliers to pull it tight there is little to none left to pull thru , ding gave me two of these straps because i had my heat shields anodized came out great and the straps look absolutely factory......... thanks again ding....

I picked up some straps that look very close to stock at Lowes in the electrical section for less than 5 bucks for a package of 10, i think they were like 10" long, so on my SRX I had to put 2 together for the middle of the pipes but if you place the joints towards the bottom you dont see them
