Swain-tech coatings???


New member
Nov 30, 2004
northern michigan
Anybody ever use this stuff and care to share your experiences? I'm kinda intrigued by their piston dome and skirt coatings for the added protection it would seem to provide and the pipe coating seems cool too! I believe they coat the piston skirts with a .0008" coating. About 50 bucks per piston for the whole shebang.....
I use it alot on engines for people, works very well.

I find the best benefit is the poly moly on the skirts, it definitely makes them alot more slippery against the cylinder and it has excellant wear resistance. reduces the thrust side of the skirt from getting galled up, eliminates it 100%. I have also used the high build pc9 on a few old race sleds that new pistons were not available and they had old wisecos, worked awesome. Also have it in my old yamaha yz490 dirtbike.

The thermal barrier coating on the domes is ok but makes it hard to read the tops of the pistons.

never used the swain white exh. system coating. When getting stuff coated, always have used the ceramic coating(high gloss silver met.)
I agree with everything Don said. Would also add that the TBC on the piston dome gives an added margin of safety/error for tuning but WILL NOT keep a piston from being destroyed by deto. Don't ask me how I know that!
staggs65 said:
Don, would you recommend the skirt coating on my 780 pistons since they seem to scuff up some?

ya, a 780 likes the coating on the intake side for sure, want me to have them done?
Cool, good to know maybe I'll just have the skirts done next time my engine is apart. I think its only $25 per piston for the skirt coating.Thanks for the help Guys!
I also have my skirts and domes coated by Swain Tech on my SRX as well as some of my other engines including my 2.9 911 engine I am building...very happy with the results.
I have wondered about this as well, and you are just the kind of person whos advice I would listen to :) wanting to do it on the old 76 Merc trail twister :)
I had 3 sets of barnd new SRX pistons coated on the skirts and domes. One engine is getting close to being ready to start up. The coating were highly reccommended by some folks around here who build high performance engines for import cars.

I also had one set of SRX exhaust manifolds coated with their "white lightning" ceramic coating. It is bright white in color, very THICK, and has the texture of a concrete block, very rough. I am sure it will hold in the heat but does not look the greatest. I had 2 other sets of SRX manifolds costed with the gloss silver gray coating. I had them done by Central Connecticut Coatings. After one season on one set of manifolds, they are starting to show small rust "pits". I am goingto ask to have them stripped and recoated. They should certainly last longer than one season.
I bet the PC-9 or Poly Moly would be great for the powervalves! I have my raptor 660 piston coated by them as well. I grew up up only 15 mins away from scottsvile N.Y. They are a very good company, They used to do Nascar engine parts!!
i have a set of coated wiseco's in my 780 with right about 6000km"s on them, reringed every 2000km's and they still look and measure perfect. no ware on the skirts at all. i'll take a picture of them when i re ring them in a week and will take one of a non coated wiseco with 2500km's , the coating is amazing at preventing skirt wear in a 780 anyway.
Good to know. Would it drop EGT or CHT? Or both.

I doubt it dropping either for temp, because it could slighly shield the dome of the piston but wouldnt shield the head surface if your talking about the thermal barrier for the dome top. i was referring to the skirt coating, it reduces the friction of the skirt in the cylinder making it more slippery, which reduces the drag on them.
