New member
Having a lot of fun trying to get these off. What works? I read somewhere these are torx screws but that doesn't seem to fit - they could be already gubbered up from the previous owner. Any ideas?
Well in my experience I have had to drill out the rivets to the race that the bearing rests on. I have had to do this twice now . 1 on srx and one on a sx both because of previous owner neglect. The srx one was welded to the shaft and had to be cut off.
So if it were me I would drill the rivets out and get that plate out from the back so you can get your drivers out. It may take a little force to get them out this way but it can be done. Then you will have them out and it will be much easier to see what your doing. Those set screws are a pain.
So if it were me I would drill the rivets out and get that plate out from the back so you can get your drivers out. It may take a little force to get them out this way but it can be done. Then you will have them out and it will be much easier to see what your doing. Those set screws are a pain.
Active member
I use grib"bits". picked them up at canadiantire and they seem to work pretty good

i take it you're going to change the bearing? a little heat never hurts either if you're changing the bearing anyways
New member
What is a grib bit?

probably like an easy-out? 

I would try some heat also. If you are having trouble getting a grip on the head of the torx or it's stripped, try a small flat blade screwdriver or similar. I just did a track swap and did the bearings...got lucky and mine came right out.
New member
So it is a Torx head?
MikeSr said:So it is a Torx head?
YEs I believe they are.

yes all mine are, but that's not to say someone didn't change them out to an allen head at some point. or use an allen wrench on them and screw em up so the torx bit doesnt fit right anymore
New member
Thanks guys
Active member
MikeSr said:What is a grib bit?
A grab bit is those small bits that you can put into a driver.They come in tool packages in all differant sizes.They work well because you can pound them in with a hammer.As said heat is your best friend...they are locktighted in.