FYI when adj powervalves


May 26, 2003
New Liskeard, Ontario
I use a home made PV tester and noticed when i apply power and the servo is activated it will twitch back and forth slightly if your setting your valves too tight. I use the 2.5mm allen method and on each valve when i leave the power on i adjust and snug up the to the allen wrenches just to the point before the servo starts twitching. I did a search and did find some guys talking about the servo twitching as they thought there was something wrong with their servo but i might be that their PV were stuck or adjusted to tight. Not sure if this has been covered before but i looks like when the servo senses too much resistance it starts to twitch.
Do you think 2.5 is too tight? I noticed this year the powervalve ends were punching out the new gaskets I installed last year. I might try 3mm this season.
2.5 is good...,,,, if it does weird things,,,, check servo and cables......
I actually am getting ready to tackle cleaning and adjusting my self for the first time. Searched and noticed same thing. I figured I would loosen, clean, then adjust to solve the twitch issues as all of the How Tos dont cover it until question was asked.
I guess what I was trying to say is that even when you use the 2.5mm allen wrench method you can still over tighten the PV thus reducing the 2.5mm clearance. What i am assuming by the "twitching" is that the servo is reacting to too much resistance from being too tight against the allen wrenches. I brought up the info because i usually only supply the power to the servo to get to open fully then cut the power, adjust the valve and move to other PV. However this time i left the power on and noticed the twitching when i was adjusting the cable. So what I thought was happening is that i might have over adjusted the cable against the wrenches thus having less than the 2.5mm.
Yes it doesn't take much pressure to activate servo,,,,,,, just when your done,, check servo with cover off to make sure all is working properly........
ReaperSRX said:
I use a home made PV tester and noticed when i apply power and the servo is activated it will twitch back and forth slightly if your setting your valves too tight. I use the 2.5mm allen method and on each valve when i leave the power on i adjust and snug up the to the allen wrenches just to the point before the servo starts twitching. I did a search and did find some guys talking about the servo twitching as they thought there was something wrong with their servo but i might be that their PV were stuck or adjusted to tight. Not sure if this has been covered before but i looks like when the servo senses too much resistance it starts to twitch.
I found the same thing this year when the valve was too tight since I installed my electric start.
