if your pilots are that dirty..fire them.Don't want dirty pilots flying my plane.unless they are female pilots...lmao
carry on.......
carry on.......
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
Dont forget those needles and seats!
Active member
tomseal6 said:

It dont like to idle right low lol
Active member
1800 bud 3:16 (yammie tony)
yea wont come alive till i flip the choke even when warm LOL
Tony, I didnt look at the specs last year and had it set at 1500... I have no clue where I came up with that setting from
Tony, I didnt look at the specs last year and had it set at 1500... I have no clue where I came up with that setting from
Getting ready to pull the carbs. It only wants to idle on rhe mag cylinder. Kills the motor when I spray carb cleaner down the throat of the mag.
100% full blockage. The pilots are impacted with white stuff
That's the way mine have been every year since ethanol was all that could be found.
We finally have a few stations offering non-ethanol premium this year.
We finally have a few stations offering non-ethanol premium this year.
I fired the pilots and ordered new ones. The stuff will not come out!!!
I gave the carbs and passage ways a good cleaning. Everything else is fine.
No wonder why it didnt want to idle LOL
Oh Wait, I do need a plastic main jet well. Does anybody have one?
I gave the carbs and passage ways a good cleaning. Everything else is fine.
No wonder why it didnt want to idle LOL
Oh Wait, I do need a plastic main jet well. Does anybody have one?

yep fire them ethanol drinkin pilots.... 

4 stroke all ready to go except grease the skid. I hope those new 144 woodys 1.35 down the center hook up pretty good.
I have a small hand full of things to do on the SRX. Got to put my new lightning tranfer rods rods on the skid (thanks Mopar), put carbs and air box back together when I get my pilot jets, and grease the skid and front end. I believe I have some new radius rod bushings for the front end. Also would like to replace a plastic idler wheel bushing on one of the front wheels (thanks Super1C). Should not take too much but I hope there is snow in the U.P. in about 20 days from now.
I have a small hand full of things to do on the SRX. Got to put my new lightning tranfer rods rods on the skid (thanks Mopar), put carbs and air box back together when I get my pilot jets, and grease the skid and front end. I believe I have some new radius rod bushings for the front end. Also would like to replace a plastic idler wheel bushing on one of the front wheels (thanks Super1C). Should not take too much but I hope there is snow in the U.P. in about 20 days from now.
A couple of bucks
VIP Member
tomseal6 said:If you look closely, you can see what I am talking about of how plugged up these things were.
Can ya put-em in a can the size of a small can of mushrooms. Cover pilots/jets/whatever w/ MEK. Set it in the wifes ultrasonic cleaner overnight and see what ya got?
Frustrated. Ill have new ones in the mail on Tuesday.
New member
Tom, You got any snow down there?
we did last year.. 4 inches on a few occasions.. Very mild weather this year..
I haul my sleds up to the U.P. for 3 weeks in the winter then I can take 3 or 4 day weekends to go riding at my aunts farm and all the trails and country roads at her place in northern Indiana
I haul my sleds up to the U.P. for 3 weeks in the winter then I can take 3 or 4 day weekends to go riding at my aunts farm and all the trails and country roads at her place in northern Indiana
New member
Tom, I hear ya, I remember I was the only guy who had a sled in Mayport, FL when I was stationed there. I used to get strange looks when I would pull it out of the garage and start it! take care, Blue
Just imagine a winter with a very deep cold front that yielded some snow accumulations on the southern coastal states... I can't imagine what the police would say when they see you drive a sled down the road!!!!!!!!!
Now that look would be priceless
Now that look would be priceless