Drive Axle Bearing


New member
Jan 3, 2009
Racine, Wisconsin
So I am about to remove the drive shaft and am going to replace the drive axle bearing but....while on e-bay I saw a whole bearing kit which had O rings and looked like the bearing and another round piece resembling another bearing. But on the exploded views I only see the one bearing, no 0-rings.

I don't have it yanked out yet to see for myself, so is there just the one bearing or does it have the o-rings, etc.

I think the drive alxe bearing kits have the bearings for both ends as well as the seals and o rings for the chaincase. If you just want the bearing for the chaincase side onlly it's a 6205 bearing. Gil
When you replace the bearing on the speedometer drive side (clutch side), if you apply some anti-sieze compound to the shaft and bearing, it will make it easier to remove next time. You can also remove the bearing, remove the seal on the side of the bearing which faces into the engine compartment then clean it and repack it with a good synthetic grease. You can get many thousands of miles out of these bearings by servicing them. I use either Mobil 1 synthetic or Amsoil sythetic grease.
I will do that, but FIRST I need to get the bearing out of there. Last night I discovered that the whole outer part of the bearing is GONE and it seems to be stuck pretty good on the shaft. I put penetrating oil on it and called it a night.

So with the larger outer part GONE, there is no way I can use a puller on it now.

Has anyone got a suggestion other than take a cutting wheel to it from underneath and making a slice through it? It's hard, so cutting through it will not be easy!

I had no idea this bearing was shot. My objective here was to replace the track. I am surprised it would even move with the bearing gone.
I think if you are removing track carry on with the chaincase removal and the cogshaft will come out!Than remove what is left of the bearing in a vise.

.Or is there no roon for the race to fit thru...i cant remember the size of the hole.
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bluewho said:
I think if you are removing track carry on with the chaincase removal and the cogshaft will come out!Than remove what is left of the bearing in a vise.

.Or is there no roon for the race to fit thru...i cant remember the size of the hole.
x2 just continue with the track removal if the outer brg race is gone. the cog shaft will come out and it will be much easyer to remove the inner race when it is out and you can get at it .
I have not had time to get the axle out yet, but picked up a new bearing at the dealer today. In looking it over, I have to there some kind of a housing that this sits in inside of the frame, or does it just sit in the shallow recess in the outer most part of the speedometer housing?
when I look at the exploded parts view under "frame" I see part #12 which looks like some kind of re-inforcement bracket, or it is just where the speedo bolts up to?
Yes you are right there mike /sits against the lip of the tunnel.Than the cover for the speedo asy slams aganst it ,proper way to install is track than shaft than bolt the chaincase together,hold brake and tighton the bottom gear bolt with some locktight than install the bearing,tighton set screws,and do the cover.Next the skid.

X2...what Bluewho said. And if you are pulling the drive shaft out (have to if changing the trachk, and have never done it before, I would have a chaincase oil seal on hand. The splines on the shaft have to come out through the seal. It can be tricky. It's a spring loaded shaft seal. The bearing on the clutch side is collared and is easily removed when the shaft is out of the sled. Any 3-jaw puller will grab it. The bearing is about $10.00 at most auto supply places. I do all 4 drive/chain case/jackshaft bearing as maintenance every few years. It's $20.00 for a tube of grease or $20.00 for new bearings?
