powervalve question.. HELP


New member
Nov 17, 2011
so i bought a 2001 srx a few months back and i cleaned the carbs and i ordered my powervalve gaskets last weak so that got me of my a$$ to clean my powervalves... i open the clutch side first because i suspect it was the reason why thier was oil on that pipe under the pv housing. i pull the valve out and its dirty.. no this is were i get into some trouble. first question how do you remove the pv from the cable. i can see the the end of the cable and it looks fraid but i cant tell with out removing the housing. also i see that the pv is about to pull through so id like to replace that.. second question when i bought the sled the owner gave me a box with 3 old power valves, 1 is bad and 2 are good can i reuse one of the good ones or do i have to buy 3 new ones??
i forgot to mention that the cable end piece seems seized in the powervalve groove so i may have no choice but to cut the cable
SledRMe said:
i forgot to mention that the cable end piece seems seized in the powervalve groove so i may have no choice but to cut the cable
if i had to guess i would say the ball end is stick to the valve cause you have enbedded cable on that valve ...to remove cables your best bet is to turn the servo clockwise giving slack on the valve end so you can remove valve from cable.....if you have oil under the valve in the enging bay you might have a bad oil seal in the power valve housing ...i can fix you up better than new if you are interested just contact me
