way too much gas


New member
Jan 5, 2012
Princeton BC
Hi I need help, my gas tank is draining into my cylinder and then into my muffler, I think it may be my fuel pump is defective, Help
More info needed,Guessing this is on the 03 viper? Mods? Whats making you think fuel pump? How does it run? Acting like its down a cylinder and that fuel going straight into exhaust? If pump was "overpumping" then floats would have to be faulty for fuel to blow threw engine to exhaust.
Thanks for the rep;y, I only have about 2000k on the engine and have not done ant mods, this winter when I started it up it was not runnig well , I took of the carbs and cleaned the jets both primary and secondary. ti ran better for 15 min. then started to bog, took off the fuel pump cleaned and reinstalled. Now pretty much my entire gas tank is being sijphoned into the cylinders.??? Not sure whyI have had the carbs off many times, the cylinders just keep filling with fuel?/.
there shouild be a tube that PULSES the fuel pump to pump coming from somewheres in the engine "bottom end".. Maybe the diapragm is ruptured and filling the crankcase with fuel via the PULSE TUBE. Pretty much if it was coming from the carb,,, you'd have a BAD NEEDLE AND SEAT in your carb OR a sticking float...
I don't get WHY you're cleaning out the fuel pump??? Did you have any garbage in the pump????
nosboy said:
there shouild be a tube that PULSES the fuel pump to pump coming from somewheres in the engine "bottom end".. Maybe the diapragm is ruptured and filling the crankcase with fuel via the PULSE TUBE. Pretty much if it was coming from the carb,,, you'd have a BAD NEEDLE AND SEAT in your carb OR a sticking float...
x2 that would be the first thing i would check,the pulse line goes from the pump to the crankcase just be low the center cyl reed block. if you pull the line off the crankcase and gas is flowing from the hose then like nosboy said the diafram in the pump is leaking. if not you got a needle and seat problem.
If he removed the lines from the pump to the carbs and there was fuel running out ,that would also indicate the pump was bad too right? If not, like you guys said, sounds like a needle/seat/float issue.
Removing from the pump to the carbs does not stop the fuel from running out of them if the tank is full. It will siphon past the pump. The float/needle/seat is what will keep the motor from filling up with fuel, that is where I would start.
????...So if I pull my fuel lines off of my carbs coming from the pump I should have fuel running out of them? Does the same diaphram
Control the pulse line and feed lines for the carbs.
Mine have never leaked at all and I've had them off many times. I'm gonna say if he's got gas pouring out of those lines when he removes them from the carb inlets, he's got a bad pump anyways and should get one of those. Regardless of that, the needles and seats should be preventing the carbs from overfilling so......time to get in there and check those out. I had my needles starting to delaminate at the tip so I changed them all out with the seats and o-rings, they do get worn down rather than take a chance with them.
Gordie, if you don't have one, get yourself a spring loaded center punch tool. Works great at getting those float pins out. Don't try to tap them out. Well worth the 10 bucks or whatever. Go right through the carbs with a fine toothed comb. Make sure you get the pilots really clean. And let us know if you need some more help. :letitsnow :letitsnow
I know of a couple 97 polaris' that did this constantly and its the needle and seat or float sticking for sure. Just like all the other guys said.
Yes, I have Seen it on a couple of my sleds (Vmax 540, 600 and RX1) Needles stuck and or won't seat. Floods out carbs, and if they run idle will be all over the place, fuel running out of the pipes! I rmember my old max 540 stinking up the garage with fuel vapors.... not good. Time to do some carb work!
good luck
nosboy said:
I don't get WHY you're cleaning out the fuel pump??? Did you have any garbage in the pump????
Hi nosboy, I took apart the fuel pump cause, I had already cleaned the carbs seats needles etc., so I thought it may be a problem with the fuel pump. You guys are correct there is a vacuum line coming from the engine block to the fuel pump and there is also an oil line coming into the fuel pump that I think supplies the oil to mixwith the gas. After further inspection it seems that this oil line maybe leaking back into the oil pump cause the fluid in the line looks clear??
The other morning after I had the machine running the night before(although very rough) I tried to pull start and broke the pull cord, what else can go wrong. I took the muffler off and it was full of gas even though I had less than 1/4 tank. I put the machine on its side to drain the excess fuel. I am going to try to get back to it today or tomorrow, I'll keep you posted, thanks for all the help.
FJViper said:
Mine have never leaked at all and I've had them off many times. I'm gonna say if he's got gas pouring out of those lines when he removes them from the carb inlets, he's got a bad pump anyways and should get one of those. Regardless of that, the needles and seats should be preventing the carbs from overfilling so......time to get in there and check those out. I had my needles starting to delaminate at the tip so I changed them all out with the seats and o-rings, they do get worn down rather than take a chance with them.
Gordie, if you don't have one, get yourself a spring loaded center punch tool. Works great at getting those float pins out. Don't try to tap them out. Well worth the 10 bucks or whatever. Go right through the carbs with a fine toothed comb. Make sure you get the pilots really clean. And let us know if you need some more help. :letitsnow :letitsnow
Thanks for the input. Please see my latest post.
So shouldn't the arrow be pointed toward the fuel pump, cause it is supplying oil to the fuel pump, to be mixed with the gas??
the valve is located on the oil line feeding the lower case. seems like there may be one between the oil and fuel pumps, but its been awhile since i have been in that deep.

i know the one feeding the case orients to the case, if there is one between the pumps i cant say for certain as to the orientation but your theory would stand to reason. you can check the valve with a vacuum pump or your lips. yamalube has a sweet taste.
