New member

So far this season's snowfall, i now understand why you guys want snow so bad.
This is crazy.
RUB IT IN! You know some of us are in therapy.
New member
cannonball said:RUB IT IN! You know some of us are in therapy.
lol... yea really. I just keep thinking about all the money I am saving on fuel costs and maintainence, I havent even cleaned my carbs yet... been working on my summer toys instead.

we are supposed to get a crap load of snow tonight and tomorrow..like 6 cm's wooooo-hooooo anything more is not needed..I will hit the River because see a lot of tracks on it today..Wouldn't want more snow here then necessary because it means shoveling and snowblowing.I am just happy with just enogh for the sleds to ride on..and no more.SRX does not need a lot of snow...
New member
Wow! I'd say as of January 9th 2/3's of Minnesota is brown grass. Nothing for snow cover. I worked outside today in a sweatshirt and watched motorcycles ride by.
Wow! I'd say as of January 9th 2/3's of Minnesota is brown grass. Nothing for snow cover. I worked outside today in a sweatshirt and watched motorcycles ride by.

no snow..it didn't show up..what little we had on the ground is melted and blown away by the winds. This will now be in the record books as one of the most driest Winter in our History..just like Summer was...I am starting to believe the Mayan's were correct on their predictions as this year will end on their calender and many events will have taken place.The way the weather is playing out is an indicator.
New member
Here in southeast MN, we have only gotten a few inches at a time and it always seems to warm up to over 40* and melt off the next day.
Winter will come........ it just might take until march.
Winter will come........ it just might take until march.
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
SRX is ready to go, just have add fuel. I have had the sxr and poo-laris out a few times. Starting to look like the srx might come out in the next day or two!
New member
Got about 4 inches on the ground from last week. Maybe a couple more tonight and a couple over the weekend. Put a whopping 2.3 miles on just bombin' round the house. Need alot more for the trails to open though.

I put 11 km's on my 600 just riding in my Pond out in the back yard.Doing oval runs and that is it,last year had about 1500 km's put on ...that is it for this winter...time to put sleds in hibernation..what am I saying..THEY ARE IN HIBERNATION FOR THE LAST 3 MONTHS ALREADY!!!! 

worst winter in History here..never seen it so bad the lack of snow..still nothin in the ditches to ride..Spring is around the corner..I would try selling the sleds and get a dirtbike or something I could actually ride..but there are well over 1800 sleds for sale in the Kijiji..never mind the Newspaper and other auto trader..everyone is selling off their sleds..everyone.You should see the price slashing going on on the brand new 2012 Apex's by some dealers...$6000 off the retail..but no one is biting..I wouldn't..they will have to carry over all the 2012 sleds into 2013..there will be no need for Yamaha to produce 2013 sleds for a lot of dealers as a lot of 2012 sleds ain't selling...prices for sure is one major issue and of course lack of snow another..
I think in the future you may have to pre order your sled,this way the dealer doesn't get stuck with them for another year..but why would I want to pre order a sled when I don't know if there will be snow or not.They will suck some guys in like they did at Arctic Cat...

worst winter in History here..never seen it so bad the lack of snow..still nothin in the ditches to ride..Spring is around the corner..I would try selling the sleds and get a dirtbike or something I could actually ride..but there are well over 1800 sleds for sale in the Kijiji..never mind the Newspaper and other auto trader..everyone is selling off their sleds..everyone.You should see the price slashing going on on the brand new 2012 Apex's by some dealers...$6000 off the retail..but no one is biting..I wouldn't..they will have to carry over all the 2012 sleds into 2013..there will be no need for Yamaha to produce 2013 sleds for a lot of dealers as a lot of 2012 sleds ain't selling...prices for sure is one major issue and of course lack of snow another..
I think in the future you may have to pre order your sled,this way the dealer doesn't get stuck with them for another year..but why would I want to pre order a sled when I don't know if there will be snow or not.They will suck some guys in like they did at Arctic Cat...
New member
I think I'm getting some of the storm blue is gonna get. The have been grooming. Around me and there is only about 2 inches of snow. It's could enough out to ride on it. Today's high is 2 and the wind chill right now is -21. And about 5 to 7 inches is expected tomorrow. So maybe with what's been done to the trails already we might get a decent ride down in Wisconsin. Just hope it stays a while!